Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekly Update #127

Editor's Note

It is difficult for a huge fanboy of the genre to not be confused as a "shill". Is there anything I can say, that I haven't said already, to defend myself? I don't get paid directly by anyone. Since posting those ads I have only had one payout of $100 and that remains separate from my own personal account. I do occasionally receive review copies and I try to announce to you when I get them. Plus I make sure the authors/publishers know that I will not hold back on giving an honest review.

If you don't believe me, nothing I can do about it. I recommend not reading this blog or subscribing to any of the pages, groups or accounts I manage. I am who I am. I will express my feelings about alternate history in the only way I feel comfortable with and I really don't give a damn if you don't agree.

So with that rant over, please check out my poll to the right. I am planning to make some changes to The Update so I can make things easier to myself and more digestible to our fans.

And now the news...

Why you should check out Lost States

I have referenced it before, but Lost States is quickly becoming one of my new favorite blogs on Blogger. Edited by author Michael J Trinklein, although it appears to have been originally created to promote his book, the blog has become a source on 51st state movements across the United States. Colorado, of course, has been in the news lately as a state with a headline grabbing secessionist movement (from Colorado, not for the US itself). Trinklein wrote two posts about them, one where he discussed the real reason for the calls of secession and a fact check on recent Denver Post article.

Hopefully we will continue to see more posts from Lost States in the future. This also give me the idea about reviewing alternate history (or related) sites on the Internet. Would you be interested in those kind of reviews? Let me know in the comments.

Paradox Announcements

Paradox made two announcements last week. First, they revealed details on the first expansion to Europa Universalis IV. The new expansion, Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise, offers players the chance to discover a completely randomized American continent, so you can't rely on prior knowledge about where all the good bits are located.

Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise also makes it possible for you to play as a Native American nation and master the federation mechanics, as well as unique national ideas, buildings and events. You may also take command of a Colonial Nation, declare colonial war, or even strive for liberty from your motherland.

Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise will release on all major digital-download portals on December 11th, 2013. I would also like to point out that Patch 1.3 was and you can read the patchnotes here.

Next, Paradox has added new advances to the ongoing Early Access program for War of the Vikings, the upcoming close-combat game from Fatshark. The new phase is entitled “Bloðorn,” meaning “Blood Eagle,” and includes weapon looting from fallen warriors in the middle of matches, providing additional combat options for players quick enough to scavenge them.

New blood effects have also been added to the game, covering warriors, weapons, and the environment in crimson as the battles rage on. A new arena map, set on a small crag atop a mountain, joins the rotation in this update, as well as the reintroduction of the Monastery map, where Vikings and Saxons will shed blood on sacred grounds. Three new profile loadouts for players to try, complete with new perks and appearances, have also been added into the update.

Video Gallery

Videos last week include the most recent Epic Rap Battles of History featuring Miley Cyrus and Joan of Arc:
Next we have episode two of the steampunk web series Progress:
Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham has a new developer diary out:
And finally we have a quick history lesson on the Cold War from America's perspective with some neat animations:


Nov 15: Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly launches and is still accepting applications.

Dec 25: Last day to fund the InSomnia Kickstarter, a tactical Online RPG in dark dieselpunk universe.

Links to the Multiverse


Philip K. Dick on Science Fiction at Rigid Squares of Paper.


Abe Lincoln: Public Enemy No. 1 On Tour at Thoughts in Progress.
Fiddlehead by Cherie Priest: Interview and Free Extract at Tor Books Blog.
The Gravity of the Affair Excerpts by Michael J. Martinez.
Rewriting human history: Jews and alternate fiction by Jingyuan Fu at The Daily Campus.
Up Ship! Airship 27 Productions launches Zeppelin Tales! by Ron Fortier at Airship 27 Productions.
What-Iffings of Futures Past: Some Reflections on Counterfactual Fiction by Seth Studer at The Fair Jilt.

Counterfactual/Traditional History

Joey Votto and Alternate History by ams78 at SB Nation.
Ridiculous Fantasy of the Day: What if the Nazis Had Not Supported Gun Control? by Gavriel D. Rosenfeld at The Counterfactual History Review.
Thought Train: Pondering an alternate history of the future by Travis Willson at The Leader.
What would the world be like without Tendulkar? by SidinVadukut at ESPN.


The 10 Best Time-Travel Movies by Nick Schager at Esquire.
15 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Inglourous Basterds at
Fifth Element concept art reveals Prince's original look as Ruby Rhod by Meredith Woerner at io9.
Producers of Nazi Spoof ‘Iron Sky’ to Launch Franchise by Elsa Keslassy at Variety.


Slitherine resurrects alternate history wargame Da Vinci’s Art of War by Owen Faraday at Pocket Tactics.


Jeff Greenfield at Toledo City Paper.
Alison Morton at BBC Radio Kent.
Gareth L. Powell at The Little Red Reviewer.
Ian Tregillis at Disquieting Visions.


Alternate Histories of the World by Matthew Buchholz at Geek Pittsburgh.
The Boleyn Deceit by Laura Andersen at I Am, Indeed.
The Prince of Lies by Anne Lyle at SF Signal.
Revolution 2.7 at Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress.
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective at Geek Syndicate.
The Time Traveller’s Almanac by Niall Alexander at Tor.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a blogger on Amazing Stories. His new short story "Road Trip" can be found in Forbidden Future: A Time Travel Anthology. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

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