Friday, September 7, 2012

Preview: Age of Aether by Mark Jeffrey

Fan favorite and member of our review team Sean Korsgaard will be reading and reviewing Age of Aether by Mark Jeffrey. Here is the description from Amazon:

When Captain Benjamin Bantam is tapped to go back in time in order to retrieve a cure for the vicious Shadow plague, he is shocked to arrive in an alternate 1944 where electricity doesn't exist. Instead, a parallel past has mysteriously arisen -- complete with parasols, stunningly luxurious Aerotels, hydrologic computing, Helux-powered 'cloud growlers' and a space elevator-based moon race with Germany. And of course, there is the lovely Dr. Rachelle Archenstone ... 

But when Hitler is made Chancellor in this world and the American space program sabotaged, Bantam is the only one who realizes the true depth of the danger posed by the newly-formed Nazi party. Together with Rachelle, he races to save this America while seeking an explanation to the mystery of this alternate past -- and with it, a way to return to his own world with the Shadow's cure. But when it comes down to a choice between his lovely Rachelle and a thousand years of Nazi rule, what will he do? 

Thrill to a tale of a Yesterday that never was ... And yet was!

Reviews are good so far for the novel. It is getting 4.7/5 on Amazon and a 4.75/5 on Goodreads. Will Sean join them in their praise? Those wishing to learn more about Age of Aether can check out how the cover was designed or listen to Mark read the first chapter of his novel.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for Alt Hist and a contributor to Just Below the Law. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and his own writing blog. When not writing he works as an attorney and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds interesting. But I'm not a fan of romance.
    And when I read the book description on Amazon - Age of Aether -- A Steampunk Adventure-Romance Novella - I decided to wait for Sean Korsgaard's review.
    Hopefully he will tell how much romance is in Age of Aether.


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