
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

DBWI Writing Contest Winners

So it took me a while to get to this point, but I am now ready to announce the winners of the Double-Blind What If Writing Contest! Just to remind you all, this contest had three categories: fiction, non-fiction and reviews. Sadly there were no entries in the review category, which disappoints me since I thought there was really some room for imaginative works. Nevertheless we had some great entries and its time we end the suspense and announce the winners.

First up is the fiction category. I defined fiction as two or more characters interacting with each other. The entries that came under this category are:

Chronicles of the Socialist Republic by Dimas Aditya Hanandito
Eckener Topic of Discussion at Yearly WTW Conference by Zach Anderson.
Midterm Exam, History 412: Modern North America, 1847-Present by Kyle Owenby
The President That Never Was: A DBWI Alternate History by Tyler “tbguy1992” Bugg
Travaillis Republique Democratique Never Existed by Sean Sherman.

And the winner is...Midterm Exam, History 412: Modern North America, 1847-Present by Kyle Owenby!

Finally, we get to the non-fiction category, or the essay category. While these works are fictional in the sense that they are set in the alternate history, I differentiated them from the entries above because there is no interaction between numerous characters. Instead you just have an author speaking to an imaginary audience in the form of an essay/article/etc. With that in mind, the entries in this category are:

Coronation Special: Looking back at the Anglo-Dutch Civil War by Matthew Tuck
Worlds Apart: What if Marvel Never Merged With DC? by Ben Ronning

And the winner is...Worlds Apart: What if Marvel Never Merged With DC? by Ben Ronning!

Congrats to both of our winners. I will be contacting you shortly about receiving your prize. Thank you to everyone who participated, they were all excellent submissions and I wish I could reward you all for your hard work. Meanwhile, I know there were few people who were working on submissions, but missed the deadline. If you are still looking for a place to publish your story, feel free to contact me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.

I have some upcoming contests planned, but I want to give everyone a breather so I do not overload you guys with competition like I did earlier in the year. I do recommend, however, that cartographers out there consider what they might like to submit to The Update in the near future...

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a blogger on Amazing Stories. His new story "The Enchanted Bean" can be found in Once Upon a Clockwork Tale from Echelon Press. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

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