Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New Releases 3/8/16

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The Age of Dystopia edited by Louisa MacKay Demerjian

This book examines the recent popularity of the dystopian genre in literature and film, as well as connecting contemporary manifestations of dystopia to cultural trends and the implications of technological and social changes on the individual and society as a whole. Dystopia, as a genre, reflects our greatest fears of what the future might bring, based on analysis of the present. This book connects traditional dystopian works with their contexts and compares these with contemporary versions. It centers around two main questions: Why is dystopia so popular now? And, why is dystopia so popular with young adult audiences? Since dystopia reflects the fears of society as a whole, this book will have broad appeal for any reader, and will be particularly useful to teachers in a variety of settings, such as in a high school or college-level classroom to teach dystopian literature, or in a comparative literature classroom to show how the genre has appeared in multiple locales at different times. Indeed, the books interdisciplinary nature allows it to be of use in classes focussing on politics, bioethics, privacy issues, womens studies, and any number of additional topics.

Founding Fathers Funnies by Peter Bagge

The American Revolution has never been funnier! America's founding fathers were brilliant, brave, forward-thinking. . . and ridiculous, at least in the eyes of cartoonist and history buff Peter Bagge! "I find myself laughing out loud whenever I read of their foibles, especially when their oversized egos clashed," says the author. This collection of short vignettes features some of our country's best-known historical figures (along with several lesser-known players) and includes all Founding Fathers Funnies cartoons from Apocalypse Nerd and Dark Horse Presents. This hardcover also features several brand new stories and additional biographical information!


Bill & Ted's Most Triumphant Return by various

Bill and Ted must now fulfill their destiny to become the inspiration for galactic harmony, but at what cost! In an adventure of epic proportions, one change to the future will set the Wyld Stallyns on a time-travelling odyssey of music, villainy, history, and excellence!

From Brian Lynch (Angel: After the Fall; screenwriter of Minions) and Jerry Gaylord (Fanboys vs. Zombies), experience Bill and Ted's most triumphant return! Also featuring short stories from Ryan North (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl),  Kurtis Wiebe (Rat Queens), Christopher Hastings (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja), Ian McGinty (Bravest Warriors), and many more!

The Great Martian War: Invasion by Scott Washburn

Following the initial Martian invasion on England, President Theodore Roosevelt tries to prepare the United States for the potential of another Martian incursion. As the possibility of another, stronger invasion is increasingly clear; The U.S. government tries to mobilize nations to share information and technology to defend humanity. Newly minted ordinance officer Andrew Comstock has been placed in charge of developing new technology that has to be tested on the fly in a race against time if humanity is to survive.

Ivar, Timewalker Volume 3: Ending History by Fred Van Lente


As history falls apart around her, only one man can help Neela Sethi save Ivar's life - and time itself - and that man is...Ivar! Wait...what?! Can Neela teach a new Timewalker the ropes of time travel as time collapses? Or will the universe finally meet it's doom?

Find out right here as Harvey Award-nominated artist Pere Pérez (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) joins New York Times best-selling writer Fred Van Lente (THE DELINQUENTS) for IVAR, TIMEWALKER VOL. 3: ENDING HISTORY!

Collecting IVAR, TIMEWALKER #9-12

Monstrous Little Voices: New Tales Shakespeare's Fantasy World by various

It is the time of Shakespeare. Storms rage, armies clash, magics are done - and stories are made. Five new great and terrible tales reshape the Bard’s vision, a new set of stories that will be told and retold down through the centuries.

It is the Year of Our Lord 1601. The Tuscan War rages across the world, and every lord from Navarre to Illyria is embroiled in the fray. Cannon roar, pikemen clash, and witches stalk the night; even the fairy courts stand on the verge of chaos.


On the Twelfth Night by Jonathan Barnes

Anne Hathaway – contented wife of a glovemaker and aletaster, proud mother of three – has her life turned upside down when strangers, oddly familiar, come to her door and whisk her husband away. What is their business, this terrible danger they say we all face? What is the lattice, and what part must her Will play to save it?

Monstrous Little Voices is a collection of five short novellas, a single long tale set in Shakespeare’s fantasy world of fairies, wizards and potions, in honour of the four-hundredth anniversary of the Bard’s death.

To readers, authors and publishers...

Is your story going to be published in time for the next New Releases? Contact us at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.  We are looking for works of alternate history, counterfactual history, steampunk, historical fantasy, time travel or anything that warps history beyond our understanding.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a blogger on Amazing Stories and a Sidewise Awards for Alternate History judgeWhen not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the day when travel between parallel universes becomes a reality. You can follow him on FacebookTwitter and YouTube. Learn how you can support his alternate history projects on Patreon.

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