Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Top 10 Underrated Political Alternate Histories

Guest post by A.J. Nolte.

With the 2012 election in full swing, it’s worth taking a look at 10 alternate scenarios, themed around elections, which haven’t really been explored much in alternate history, but which could have dramatically altered the current American political landscape. I've tried to draw on both Republican and Democratic primary election changes. Most of them date from the twentieth century, but I’ll try to throw in a few nineteenth century scenarios to spice things up a bit. Thus, in no particular order, here are the scenarios:

Speaker Cheney

Long before he was the boogie-man of liberal anxiety during the Bush Administration, Dick Cheney was nominated by the first President Bush to be Secretary of Defense. However, Cheney wasn't Bush’s first pick for the position, and was only chosen as a safe alternative after the nomination of John Tower went down in flames. But what if Tower’s nomination had succeeded or Bush had picked a different secretary of defense? At the time, Cheney was actually senior to Newt Gingrich in Republican house leadership. Thus, it’s likely Republicans would have gone into the historic 1994 mid-term elections with Cheney, not Gingrich, at the helm. Would they still have won their crushing majorities absent the Contract with America?

It’s certainly plausible; a lot of debate remains about the role the Contract played in Republican victories verses, for example, a trickling down of southern realignment to the congressional level, Clinton’s health care failures and so on. Thus, it is very possible we could have seen a Clinton/Cheney, rather than a Clinton/Gingrich showdown. If that doesn't tickle your political fancies, just imagine Cheney and Gingrich battling it out for leadership of the Republican house caucus. The two men weren't exactly pals during their mutual house careers, so the battles between them could have been legendary.

A Different Democratic Hope

In 1992, Democrats were desperate for a figure capable of leading them out of their twelve-year electoral wilderness. By unlikely coincidence, they settled on a young southern governor named Bill Clinton. But Clinton’s coronation was anything but assured. In fact, the odds-on favorite for the Democratic nomination in 1992 was New York Governor Mario Cuomo. Its possible Cuomo was seen as too liberal by a victory-hungry Democratic Party establishment wary of the Dukakis disaster, or that Cuomo himself was wary of the seemingly popular President Bush, but it’s not implausible we could have seen a Bush/Cuomo general election.

However, for me, another Democrat is a much more interesting possible candidate. Moderate Democrats were torn in 1992 between Clinton and Virginia governor Doug Wilder. If some of Clinton’s more…adventurous…lifestyle choices had come out earlier, might the Democratic Leadership Council types have gravitated to Wilder? This would have made Wilder, if he won, the first African-American nominee of either major party, and a full 16 years before Barack Obama. Could he have won such an election? Would President Bush have tapped war hero Colin Powell for his ticket in the 1992 election, in order to try and counter the narrative of a historic election? Would it have worked? Fascinating speculations, which could be the source of a crackling good electoral AH.

A Republican Primary without Ike

Dwight D. Eisenhower’s candidacy for the Republican nomination was by no means a foregone conclusion in 1952; it took a lot of arm-twisting from two-time Republican presidential candidate Thomas Dewey to get the popular war hero into the ring. Eisenhower also seriously considered not running for a second term in 1956. Either of these elections would have been a fascinating free-for-all without Ike.

In 1952, the Republican Party was dominated by the Dewey/Taft split, an internal party squabble between interventionist, east coast moderates and quasi-isolationist, Midwestern conservatives. Without Dewey, the Taft wing of the party would have been immeasurably stronger, possibly making Robert Taft the nominee in 1952, and throwing the election’s outcome very much in doubt. An equally intriguing possibility is that moderate but law-and-order governor Earl Warren could have won the nomination, with a conservative Taft supporter as his Vice-President.

In 1956, things were even more jumbled. Taft was dead, while Nixon was not trusted by many Dewey supporters, so might not have had the field cleared for him. Could 1956 without Ike have been the year in which Harold Stassen finally broke through, or would another Republican politician have emerged to take up the gauntlet? Needless to say, the impact on a different Republican nominee, and a different President of either party, would have been enormous for civil rights, the cold war and the near future electoral history of the U.S.

[Editor's Note: Or we could have had a President Disney.]

The Presidency of Aaron Burr

Imagine a situation where a Republican congress got to choose the President, with the catch that their options were Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama? This was the situation which faced the Federalist congress after the election of 1800, one of the bitterest and most divisive elections in American history (picture one party accusing the other party, openly, of being agents of a nation with whom we were at war, while being accused of serious abridgements of freedom themselves…and both accusations proving, in retrospect, to be sort of true). Their choices, in this case, were between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.

Given that one of these men would end up rated by historians as one of our top ten presidents, while the other shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel then got involved in a number of extremely sketchy conspiracies, those bye-gone Federalists probably made the right choice. But picture this scenario instead. Aaron Burr promises to work with the Federalists more than Jefferson, and gets the nod from congress. He then actually confirms all of President Adams’ “midnight appointments”, thereby butterflying Marbury vs. Madison away, and possibly delaying or altering the American concept of Judicial Review. How different would a Burr presidency have been from Jefferson’s? There have been a few alternate history short stories on the topic, but its fertile ground for speculation.

A Second Coolidge term

Call this one the “Milton Friedman special”. It’s a common conceit of libertarian economists that a truly non-interventionist U.S. policy in the aftermath of the 1929 stock exchange crash would have dramatically changed the Great Depression. Keynesians, by contrast, argue that less intervention would have made the situation immeasurably worse. Both would have a field day with this scenario.

In 1928, Calvin Coolidge opted not to run for a second full term as President, and was replaced by Herbert Hoover. Hoover was certainly more of an economic interventionist than Coolidge, who reportedly told farmers coming to ask the government for help in a bad agricultural year to “take up religion”. Do you think a less interventionist economic policy would have decreased the Great Depression, or made it worse, possibly giving space to more radical demagogues? This electoral scenario would give perspective writers free range to counter-factually explore the assumptions behind their own economic beliefs.

1976 Democratic Primary

In retrospect, Jimmy Carter has been lionized by progressives as a tragic warrior who fought hard for many of their pet causes, and vilified by conservatives as an ideological president too far to the left for the country. Both of these characterizations would have shocked liberal Democrats in 1976, who encouraged California governor Jerry Brown and senator Frank Church to enter the Democratic nominating contest. Unfortunately for these progressives, they failed to fully understand the impact of the Democrats’ new primary-heavy nominating system.

By contrast Carter, a hitherto obscure governor from Georgia, grasped the importance of these new nominating contests, and used them to crush more established Democratic names. But what if some of these politicians had picked up on the importance of primaries sooner?

The list of Democrats running in 1976 runs from George C. Wallace to Birch Bayh (author of two constitutional amendments and a progressive hero), to Henry M. (Scoop) Jackson, a savvy cold warrior after whom Joe Lieberman seems to have modeled his senate career. Any one of them would have made a fascinating candidate to go up against Gerald Ford, and if you add in the contentious primary between Ford and an up-start governor from California named Ronald Reagan, the permutations of this alternate 1976 are almost endless.

George Wallace, civil rights moderate

When you think George Wallace, you probably instantly remember the now infamous phrase: “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” What most people don’t know is that, in 1958, the fiery racial populist was actually considered a civil rights moderate.

In 1948, Wallace refused to join Strom Thurmond’s Dixiecrat walk-out of the Democratic convention. African-American lawyers in Alabama in the 1950s called Wallace “the most liberal judge” in the state, and there’s speculation that his granting of probation to some African-Americans may have cost him the 1958 gubernatorial election. His opponent in this Democratic primary, John Malcolm Patterson, ran with the support of the KKK, winning the primary by getting to Wallace’s right on race. Reportedly, Wallace vowed never to let this happen again after his 1958 loss.

If Wallace was a primarily opportunistic segregationist, it’s interesting to speculate what might have happened had he won in 1958. Would Governor Wallace still have beaten the drum on segregation quite so vehemently without the stinging results of this primary? Very possibly; as a populist, he likely would have seen this position as “what the people wanted”. Equally plausible, however, would have been a post-1958 Wallace who focused his efforts on other issues, such as economic development. And if he retained his somewhat moderate views pre-1958, it’s interesting to speculate about Wallace’s potential national future. Regardless of the possible result, it’s interesting to note how much losing an election can change a candidate’s future.

Scenarios which don’t involve Wilson or Roosevelt

Many historians have speculated about the outcome of a TR victory in 1912. Surprisingly, however, there’s been very little discussion of the outcome if William Howard Taft, the incumbent Republican, had managed to beat Wilson in 1912. The idea isn't entirely implausible of course; a little less ego from one, a little more compromise from the other, and the Taft/Roosevelt split might well have been patched up short of an open breech in the Republican Party.

One possibility would be to make Archibald Butt, a military officer with a foot in both camps, miss his boat in April 1912. He was, of course, one of the passengers on the RMS Titanic. But perhaps more intriguing is a brief mention in several sources that Governor Herbert S. Hadley was considered as a compromise candidate, but declined to be nominated due to tuberculosis. Absent this illness, could a different little-known politician from Missouri have risen to the nation’s highest office, just in time to face a world war?

A Different Bush, A Different McCain

With Jeff Greenfield’s short story 43*, we've now seen a realistic attempt to envision what a Gore presidency would have looked like. But as it turns out, it’s not that hard to butterfly away the presidency of George W. Bush without a Gore victory.

In 1994, two Bushes ran for the governorships of two different states: George W. in Texas and Jeb Bush in Florida. It was always broadly assumed by the Bush inner circle that Jeb, not George W, would be the next Bush to run for the White House. Jeb, however, lost his run for governor in 1994, only to come back and win in 1998. It was George who, after a term and a half as governor, ran for the top job in 2000.

Flip those 1994 electoral outcomes, and a very different Bush—possibly holding some rather different views—would have been a likely candidate for political office. Of course, an equally likely possibility is that both Bush sons lose in 1994, leaving a wide open Republican field in 2000. Possible candidates include Michigan governor John Engler, Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson, Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge, New York governor George Pataki, Utah senator Oren Hatch, and—because I have a fondness for dark horses you've never heard of—North Dakota governor Ed Schafer.

However, the odds-on favorite, absent a Bush, was probably Arizona senator John McCain. Healways had a bit of a right flank problem in the 2000 Republican primary, but assuming his primary competition came from an openly pro-choice candidate like Ridge, might social conservatives have gravitated to him? How would his broad, moderate appeal in 2000 have weathered a tough campaign against the Vice President, who he promised he would “beat like a drum”? And how would a President McCain, if victorious, have responded to the events of 9/11? All of this would make for a fascinating alternate history.

Election 2008, Without Obama or Palin

2008 was an election marked by the meteoric rise of two hitherto obscure politicians into the national spotlight. Barack Obama’s rise to the White House began in 2004, while Alaska governor Sarah Palin didn't truly make her mark until 2006. However, life could have turned out very, very differently for both Obama and Palin.

There are several interesting paths for Obama, but in my mind, the most interesting would have been an Obama victory in the 2000 Democratic congressional primary against Representative Bobby Rush. Would Congressman Obama, representing a very progressive African-American district, have been able to tack to the center sufficiently to maintain his national profile? Or, would he have been seen, like Newark mayor Corry Booker, as simply one of many rising young African-American politicians focused on reform? Of course, there are plenty of ways to prevent Obama from winning in 2004, from a more successful campaign by his primary rival Blair Hull, to the divorce records of Republican nominee Jack Ryan either not coming out, or coming out before the Republican primary, thereby allowing Republicans to pick another nominee.

Of course, the easiest alternate history in this regard would be for Peter Fitzgerald to run for reelection. He would not have been a shoe-in, of course, and the Illinois Republican Party would almost certainly opposed him in a competitive primary, but the eventual winner would have given state Senator Obama a real fight in November, particularly in the good Republican year of 2004.

For Palin, the butterflies are much easier. She could have lost the 2006 Alaska gubernatorial election, either in the primary or general election. She might very well have decided to run against Lisa Murkowski for the senate in 2004. It’s an open question whether she would have won such a fight, but if she did, her rise to the national spotlight would have happened earlier, more gradually, and probably with less fanfare. This in turn would probably have made her less attractive to John McCain, who was looking for a game-changer in the race. The easiest solution would have been for McCain to simply not pick her. Other potential candidates, such as Joe Lieberman, Carly Fiorina and Tim Pawlenty, received trial balloons prior to the Palin pick, and McCain could have gone with one of them.

But how would these different circumstances have changed the 2008 election? Palin is the easiest variable to predict; McCain would still have lost. Faced with the first African-American presidential nominee of either major party, and given the image problems Republicans had in 2008, there was simply no way McCain was going to pull out a win, absent a major, positive game-changing moment. Additionally, McCain ran on the premise that 2008 would be a foreign policy election, and was a self-admitted novice on the economic issues which proved to dominate the election.

Without Obama, the picture becomes murkier. I submit that some sort of organized stop Hilary Clinton movement was almost inevitable, given the level of visceral hatred Republicans and many independents held for her at the time (what a difference 4 years makes). It’s also worth keeping in mind that many progressive Democrats weren't exactly enamored of the Clinton legacy. Would Democrats have rallied around John Edwards—an unfortunate choice in retrospect—or perhaps gone for a different historical first with then New Mexico Governor—and Latino—Bill Richardson? Or would anti-Hilary Democrats have turned, as their party has so often in the past, to a popular southern governor like Mark Warner or Phil Bredesen? The speculative possibilities are endless, and endlessly fascinating.

Honorable Mention: Third party scenarios?

We hear a lot from election to election about how nice it would be to have a viable third party candidate, or a third party president. But, realistically, how plausible is such an outcome post-1900? The short answer, in my view, is not very, but not for the reasons you might think. In fact, the reason we don’t have a viable third party in the U.S. is precisely because every third party focuses like a laser on running a candidate for president. However, generally-speaking, you don’t get to be President unless you've run for and won an office previously, and all-too-often, third party candidates are first-time candidates.

There’s another reason why the presidency trap kills third parties; it prevents them from building a viable party organization in any one of the fifty states. You can’t win an election without hundreds of thousands of people knocking on doors, making phone calls, pushing their friends to vote for you and giving you money. Unfortunately for them, most third parties focus so totally on their quixotic quest for the matching funds 5% of the popular vote in a presidential election would bring, that they utterly fail to do the incredibly difficult-but-essential work of building up local party structures.

If you want to talk about third party scenarios, I suppose the most plausible would be 1948, 1968, 1980 and 1992. In each of these cases, third party candidates actually won significant portions of the popular vote. However, if you look at the Electoral College map, only Wallace and Strom Thurmond won actual electoral votes.

Take Ross Perot as an example here. Eighteen percent of the vote is a very respectable share of the vote for a third party candidate, and Perot used this as a platform to create the Reform Party. Unfortunately for Perot, and the third party ideal, he focused on attempting to repeat his performance in 1996, rather than carefully building up state and local party organizations, running strong candidates for state legislative and congressional races, and thereby forging the types of coalitions he would have needed to actually one day win a presidential election. The utter collapse of the Reform Party post-Perot, and its vacillation between Pat Buchanan in 2000 and Ralph Nader in 2004, demonstrate my point about the problems of candidate-centric third party efforts quite powerfully.

* * *

A.J. Nolte is a PHD candidate in international relations at Catholic University and an aspiring sci-fi and alternate history writer . He is knowledgeable in Byzantine, medieval, ACW, Cold War, Islamic and post-colonial history. Also, he'll read almost anything once if it's got an airship in it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Releases 10/30/12

New paperback

Himmler's War by Robert Conroy

Description from Amazon.

Only days after Normandy, Hitler is taken out of the equation and Heinrich Himmler, brutal head of the SS, assumes control of the Reich.  On the Allied side, there is confusion.  Should attempts be made to negotiate with the new government or should unconditional surrender still be the only option?  With the specter of a German super-weapon moving closer to completion and the German generals finally allowed to fight the kind of war at which they are masters, the Allies are pushed toward a course of accommodation or even defeat.  Will the soldiers of the Grand Alliance find the courage and conviction to fight on in the face of such daunting odds?  And can the Allied leaders put into place a new plan in time to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by the German war machine?  A new and terrible battle for the free world is on.

[Check out Chris Nuttall's review of the novel.]

New e-books

American Indian Victories by Dale Cozort

Description from Amazon.

Have you ever wondered what would have ever happened if events in the past had gone differently? Have you ever wished that the American Indians hadn’t gotten the short end of the stick? American Indian Victories delivers over twenty realistic, well researched alternative history scenarios where the American Indians do significantly better than they did historically, along with a fiction excerpt set in world where Europeans never reached the New World and a novelette set in New England’s most bitter Indian war. Scenarios include:

What if the advanced Indian civilizations of Mexico and Peru had exchanged technology and ideas before Columbus?
What if a civilization equivalent to the Aztecs and Incas developed in eastern North America?
How could one shipwrecked sailor change the fate of a continent?
What if Carthage had colonized Mexico before the Punic Wars?
What if the Spanish conquistadors had set up independent kingdoms?
What if the ice age animals of the New World had survived to be domesticated?

Fair warning: The scenarios make up around 80% of the book and they do assume a fair amount of interest in and knowledge of history. The fiction should work for most science fiction readers.

[Check out my interview with Dale where he discusses the novel.]

The Big Boer Bonanza by A.D. Rose

Description from Amazon.

The Big Boer Bonanza is a comic reimagining of history set in the early 21st Century but asking the question, what would life be like if the Boer War had never ended? Esther Hawkes, librarian at Tunbridge Wells public library, is plunged into a world of the fantastic. She has to contend with saving the world from the machinations of Gregory Mourningstar, a vindictive warlock let out from prison early on good behaviour and now hell-bent on regaining his powers. She also has to prevent a deadly virus from falling into the wrong hands, evade the Tunbridge Wells Mafia, help Arthur Conan-Doyle with his writer’s block, attend her Mother’s awful garden parties where she’s forced to meet “eligible bachelors” and oh, try to stop a little thing called the Boer War. Tunbridge Wells will never be the same again.

The Lion in Chains by Mark Teppo and Angus Trim

Description from Amazon.

Many were displeased with the “peace” King Richard of England brokered in the Holy Land, and his return from the Crusades wasn’t greeted with cheers, but rather shackles. Now a “guest” of the Holy Roman Emperor, the Lion-Hearted is being held for an exorbitant ransom…so much money that it seems unlikely that the silver will make its way from Britain to Germany.

For converging on the caravan are a number of groups with very different motives: French troops who want the silver to continue their war with the English, mercenaries intent on causing chaos, English longbowmen looking to protect their country’s future, and Shield-Brethren hoping to ensure King Richard’s freedom.

With a surprising cast of characters, The Lion in Chains is a Foreworld SideQuest that illuminates a decisive moment in European history in an unexpected way, revealing another secret in the long-reaching narrative of the Shield-Brethren.

The Sauder Diaries - A Bloodier Rose by Michel Vaillancourt

Description from Amazon.

Set in the summer of 1888, "A Bloodier Rose" is the second book in The Sauder Diaries series. Picking up where "By Any Other Name" left off, Hans, Annika and the rest of the crew of the pirate airship "Bloody Rose" are once again called upon by the Allied Empires. An ancient weather weapon is at risk of falling into the hands of the Russian Empire, and the pirates are in a race against time, traveling from Europe to America then North Africa, to uncover it's location and unlock it's secrets. Along the way, the unthinkable happens and Hans Sauder is forced to rethink his very place within the crew, and the life he has chosen as an airship pirate. The choices he makes, as the Bloody Rose finds herself trapped between two empires inching towards war, will affect the lives of his friends and crewmates forever.

Twice Upon A Time by Allen Appel

Description from Amazon.

Alex Balfour returns to the past in Allen Appel's 2nd book in the Pastmaster series. Here, Balfour travels back to 1876, visits the Centennial Exposition, takes a raft trip with Mark Twain (inadvertently inspiring some of Twain's books) and joins Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn. In the present, Alex's girlfriend Molly Glenn is captured by a crazed renegade American Indian who believes he is the reincarnation of Crazy Horse.

To fans, authors and publishers...

Do you want to see your work given a shout out on our New Releases segment? Contact Mitro at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.  We are looking for works of alternate history, counterfactual history, steampunk, historical fantasy, time travel or anything that warps history beyond our understanding.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is a long-time fan of alternate history, founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Masquerade Crew. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Win free e-book copies of Substitution Cipher!

Alternate History Weekly Update is proud to announce our very first book giveaway. The kind people at Candlemark & Gleam have made available two e-book copies of their upcoming alternate history, espionage anthology Substitution Cipher, featuring the debut short story of AHWU's own Tyler Bugg.

So how do you win? Since this is our first contest I am not going to make you jump through that many hoops. Just email me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com with the word "Contest" in the subject line. Deadline is 2 pm CST on 11/5/12. The two winners will be selected at random by me and announced on 3pm CST.

Don't forget to spread the word about this contest through Facebook, Twitter or other social media. I want to give as many people as possible the chance to win.

Good luck everybody and thank you for being our fans!

Weekly Update #77

Editor's Note

In a first for Alternate History Weekly Update, I will be announcing a free book give-away this afternoon. I will be making the official announcement with the details on how you can win at 3 pm CST.

In the meantime lets welcome our first readers from Barbados and Cambodia. I hope you guys enjoy today's  weekly recap of last week's alternate history news.

Since Americans make up more than half of my readership, we will continue our coverage of alternate presidential elections in the lead up to election day (Nov 6). We have articles and book reviews featuring alternate election outcomes and I might even skip next week's Weekly Update and New Releases posts to give you even more political AH.

As they say in my hometown: vote early and often!

And now the news...

Assassin's Creed 3 DLC: Alternate history chosen to avoid fracturing fan base
Ubisoft announced that the reason they created an alternate history setting where George Washington becomes king of the United States to their Assassin's Creed 3 DLC was to avoid fracturing the fan base. Lead designer Steve Masters said:

For me, the DLC has always been a touchy thing for putting important story moments into. Ultimately it fractures the audience and makes it really difficult for people to keep up with what is the canon of the series.

For us, we want to have a little fun with it, and have a less serious experience, a less earnest experience, and setting it in an alternate history environment gives us room and freedom to play around with things in a more whimsical manner.

We think people are going to enjoy it, have fun with it - we've just got to remember it's not part of the canon, it's just there as something for players to enjoy.

This means that the Assassin's Creed franchise will remain a secret history, but fans of the game and alternate history can still get a chance to explore other timelines if Ubisoft releases more AH DLC. Those looking to learn more about King George I of America should check out my article Kings of the United States of America and King Washington the Wicked by Robert Rath over at The Escapist where he goes over some of the historical basis for believing Washington could have been America's fist king.

New BioShock Infinite Trailer

Check out the new Bioshock: Infinite trailer:
This new trailer shows off more details about the floating, steampunk American city of Columbia and, if T3 is to be believed, the game is likely to be a "Triple A blockbuster".

More on Dishonored
Wow, this Weekly Update has been heavy on video games, and we continue with our coverage of that medium with more reviews on DishonoredSteve Blomkamp at The Vancouver Observer gave the game an 8 out of 10 and said: "Dishonored is a very strong new entry into the action stealth genre. With it’s intriguing setting, dastardly conspiracies and nail-biting escapades, I implore any of you on the fence to give it a try. You won’t be disappointed." Meanwhile, Doug Elfman at the Las Vegas Review Journal said "Dishonored" is so good, because its priorities are correct."

Have you played it yet?

Links to the Multiverse


10 Ideas for Alternate History Scenarios by Mark Ball at Sci Fi Ideas.

Alternate History, or what, how and when did it all go wrong? by Jim Smith at conceptualhistorian.

In Praise of the Implausible by Rose Fox at Genreville.

The JFK Library's Frightening Alternate History of the Cuban Missile Crisis at History News Network.

Steampunk Events for November 2012 by Ay-Leen the Peacemaker at

What Do You Do with an MA in Steampunk? by Suzanne Lazear at Steamed!


Review of Every Inch a King by Harry Turtledove done by Mike's Reading Blog.

Review of Red Prophet by Orson Scott Card done by Kat Hooper at Fantasy Literature.

Review of Ruled Britannia by Harry Turtledove done by Jim Smith at conceptualhistorian.

Review of Substitution Cipher edited by Kaye Chazan done by Publisher's Weekly.

Review of Wake of the Bloody Angel by Alex Bledsoe done by Ian Shone at Alt Hist.


Wolsung Steampunk Skirmish Game Indiegogo campaign.


Adam Christopher at SF Signal Podcast.

Kim Newman at My Bookish Way.

David L. Parrott at JeanzBookReadNReview.

Lavie Tidhar at


CBS’s Elementary Gets a Full Season Order by Geek Syndicate.

Steampunk Thriller "PROGRESS" Launches Official Kickstarter Campaign at

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is a long-time fan of alternate history, founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Masquerade Crew. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Review: Substitution Cipher edited by Kaye Chazan

I've said it before and I will say it again: us alternate historians are a wordy bunch. We are so excited to show off the world we built that we neglect the story. That is probably why non-genre authors do so well in the Sidewise Awards. They do not have the same bad habits we do.

That is why I have gained a great appreciation for the art of short fiction. It forces the author to exorcise text blocks full of backstory and get to what really matters. If it is alternate history, we learn what is different not from the author narrating on high, but from the characters as they work through the drama of their lives. So I was very excited to get a copy of Substitution Cipher edited by Kaye Chazan. Some of you might remember that I covered the creation of this alternate history/spy thriller anthology from Candlemark & Gleam early on. Now after a year of waiting I finally got a chance to read it.

Let's start from the beginning. The first story is "So the Taino Call It" by M. Fenn. It tells the tale of a Portuguese spy as he tries to sabotage Columbus expedition to the New World. It reads like the plot of Avatar, but that is not meant to be a criticism since it is a lot more believable than the film (it makes perfect economic sense to travel to another solar system, dig something out of the ground and bring it back). It is formatted as a diary, which you will see more than once in this anthology.

"Sphere of Influence" by Rebecca Rozakis is a cloak and dagger adventure in a moving Venice that steampunk fans will enjoy. To avoid a diplomatic incident, a Venetian agent helps recover a gift that was supposed to be delivered to the ruler of Austria. I enjoyed reading about strong female characters matching wits in a clockwork world and I think you will too.

"From Enigma to Paradox" by Tyler Bugg...have I heard that name before? Of course, he wrote the non-fiction articles The Maple Leaf (Not Quite) Forever: Canada in Alternate History and Rearranging the Deck Chairs and Changing the Course: Titanic Alternate Histories From the Writers Point of View, plus the short story Four Famous Pictures And How They Are Interconnected. So how did this Weekly Update alum's first foray into published fiction hold up?

The story follows a German intelligence agent stumbling upon the knowledge that the Allies have cracked the Enigma machine (the Enigma machine also made an appearance in Fatherland by Robert Harris, the book not the film), but he has come up with a plan to use it against the them. The story starts off like another Nazis win TL, until Tyler takes it in a completely different direction, like any good writer would. All and all, it was an enjoyable read and I look forward to reading more from Tyler.

I wish I could say the same about "In God We Trust" by G. Miki Hayden. The story suffers from its completely implausible alternate history. The United States is predominantly Muslim and gender equality happened in the 18th century. President Eleanor Roosevelt reflects this was likely because the Louisiana Purchase fell through, but it is mentioned that a women served on Washington's cabinet, which would put the POD farther in the past, and America controls Little Rock, Arkansas. What?

Then there is the United Tribes, an ambiguously sized Native American state that has VTOL aircraft (something ATL Americans do not have) and the ability to regrow amputated limbs (something OTL Americans do not have), but are amazed by such American inventions as synthetic fiber and soda pop. Add a space-filling Japanese Empire, a French Mexico and tons of historical characters who haven't changed despite the centuries old POD and you get an alternate history that is contradictory and confusing. I like weird history, but this one will be a difficult read for hardcore plausibility hounds.

Things got back on track with "Something There Is" by C.D. Covington. As the Soviets prepare to build a wall in Berlin, a young girl discovers she has a mysterious connection to her city that the secret police want to exploit. I truly felt for the main character, I know the powerful pull the love of home can be. This story also can be viewed as a different take on the superhero genre. Why do characters as invincible as Superman or with mandates to police dozens of star systems like Green Lantern, operate out of just one city? Do cities consciously choose certain individuals to be their guardians in times of crisis?

The anthology rounds off "The Ashkenazi Candidate" by Kaye Chazan, who is also the editor. An alternate Cold War finds a fascist Britain and socialist (or perhaps communist) United States preparing for mutually assured destruction. To prevent this, the United States has sent one of their best deep cover agents into the heart of MI6. Getting him out, however, could be a problem. This was a good, solid story to end the anthology and I like how Kaye subverted the Bond girl trope (but probably not in the way you would expect).

Except for "In God We Trust", I can recommend all of the stories in Substitution Cipher. You will get your chance to read the anthology on December 18. In the meantime, stay tuned for an interview with newly minted author Tyler Bugg.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is a long-time fan of alternate history, founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Masquerade Crew. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Review: The Royal Sorceress by Chris Nuttall

Guest post by John Trofimuk.
I am not a guy who is really into magical/fantasy stories. Long ago as a young lad I decided that antimatter powered starships were more fun than fire breathing dragons. So usually I wouldn’t have been drawn to something titled The Royal Sorceress. However it was written by one of my favorite authors, Chris Nuttall, founder of Changing the Times. I decided to support him and bought a copy for my Kindle App. It was an excellent decision because I really did enjoy this book.

One of the first reasons I enjoyed the novel was its setting. The Royal Sorceress is as much an alternate history novel as it is a magical adventure. Its 1830 and the British Empire reigns supreme as the most powerful nation on Earth. This dominance has occurred because during the early days of the American Revolution, magic was discovered and quickly understood. Thanks to magic the Revolution was stopped at its inception during the Battle of New York. George Washington’s army is defeated and eventually the Founding Fathers were arrested, killed, or went into hiding. As the British grow to understand magic better they use it to ensure their position as a global power. France, Russia and the Ottoman Empire are all left in weaker positions thanks to Britain’s predominance in magic. The British eventually use magic to help them develop more advanced technology and this furthers their advantages (steam powered airships, magical lighting, earlier rapid fire weapons to cite a few examples). This isn't a fantasy land with places I've never heard of with arcane monarchies or evil kingdoms, it’s just a different version of our world which is far easier to understand and connect with.

Connecting and caring about this alternate Earth was also made possible because of the wonderful description of places and people. Despite its place on the world’s stage, England itself is suffering all the problems of the Industrial Revolution. There is corruption in government and high society. Masses of poorly educated improvised people struggle to survive while those of noble birth live well with no concern for those below them. Troublemakers are imprisoned in the Tower or London or exported to America, Australia, or South America. This is where the conflict lays in The Royal Sorceress; a social conflict between the masses and the elites. I really liked how this was the focus of the story and not the magic itself. Magic is a tool of the various characters nothing more, having very simple rules behind its use and thus not confusing or worse boring the reader with them.

The sorceress named in the title is Lady Gwendolyn Crichton, our protagonist. Gwen is from an upper class family. She has been educated through private tutors and lived a relatively sheltered life. Gwen though is not a prissy overbearing person like her mother, concerned with the rules and order of high society. She’s smart and feels that the random draw of her birth has constrained her. She is also frustrated at the beginning because she cannot practice her natural talent, she has magic. It is believed that magic in women is rare and only men are trained as magicians. Gwen probably would never have been allowed to grow her talents if she wasn't a Master. In the story magicians can master a single talent such as blazers who can produce fire or energy. There are rare special individuals though known as Masters who can have all the powers. Gwen is sought out by Master Thomas the current Royal Sorcerer. Since no new male Masters have been found and all the others have died; he has to take on Gwen as his apprentice. Thomas takes Gwen to the school of magic, Cavendish Hall where she begins her studies.

Our antagonist for the story is a rouge magician named Jack. He takes on the identity of ‘Captain Swing’ and he has returned to England with one goal in mind, to bring down the government. Jack is a strong antagonist because he is actually in the right. The lower class of England and its empire are being exploited. They don’t have freedom or choices, let alone a real chance to climb out of poverty.  You might disagree with his methods, but can you really say Jack’s goal of changing the status quo is wrong? He’s the contrast of Master Thomas who stands for that order, for the old world. Both characters will end up pulling on Gwen who finds herself in the middle. Another positive to Jack’s character is that he is not perfect. The man will make mistakes in the story and he doesn’t have any real idea what do once his revolution succeeds. Too often efforts to make the antagonist powerful or exciting result in them being ‘too smart’ or ‘too evil’. Jack is neither. He simply wants change for the better.

The secondary characters of the story are also well done. We get a nice slice of how magical powers have affected people. Some are arrogant, believing it makes them superior. Chris does a nice job of incorporating the ideas of the 1800s of evolution, Social Darwinism, and plain old assholes who believe magic simply makes them better.  They are contrasted with the more normal people who have magic but use it serve the country. The best thing that can be said of all the other characters in The Royal Sorceress is they come off as real people of the time.

The Royal Sorceress is an excellent tale of a young woman who is forced to grow quickly into a leader. Gwen is a believable character who is living in a well fleshed out alternate world. The characters from those who are Gwen’s allies and those who are her enemies come off as real people. Our strong protagonist is met by an equally strong antagonistic in Jack, a man who may be doing terrible things for the right reasons. I recommend The Royal Sorceress if you are a fan of alternate history and magic. Even for those who fantasy isn’t a real interest, the story delivers because the magic is secondary to the social conflict going on. I also like the possible set up for a sequel formed at the end of the book (want to know what it is, go buy it!).

I highly recommend Chris’s first published novel. It’s clear why this got picked up, it’s very good. The Royal Sorceress is currently available in electronic format and will be out in paperback February 2013.  A free sample of The Royal Sorceress can be downloaded from Chris’s site.

* * *

John Trofimuk is "gtrof" at Counter Factual.Net.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

100,000 Page Views!

Sometime last night, Alternate History Weekly Update surpassed 100,000 page views! The last time we reached such a milestone was when we surpassed 80,000 page views on 9/5/12.  You know what? No matter what happens today, no matter how bad my luck is, until the moment I lay my head on my pillow I can look at this and be happy. Thank you everyone.

Alright lets check out the state of our social networking presence:
  • We had 52 Google followers on 9/5/12, now we have 58 (Goal: 100 by 6/13).
  • We had 154 Facebook fans on  9/5/12, now we have 172 (Goal: 300 by 6/13).
  • We had 62 members in our Facebook group on 9/5/12, now we have 67 (Goal: 150 by 6/13).
  • We had 201 Twitter followers on 9/5/12, now we have 233 (Goal 300 by 6/13)
  • We have 10 Networked Blogs followers on 9/5/12, now we have 12 (Goal: 15 by 6/13).
If anyone uses Networked Blogs, please follow us. It would be the cherry on today's sundae if we can put that goal to rest early. Also, members of our Facebook group, don't forget you can invite your friends to the group. If you know someone out there who likes alternate history, introduce them to Weekly Update.

I am proud to say that Weekly Update averages more than 10k views a month, and we continue to grow.  Those interested in advertising with us should check out our Advertise page for more details. If our readers like one of our advertisements I highly recommend that you click on it and help support Weekly Update.  Please check out our Amazon page as well to purchase a subscription for your Kindle (or Kindle app) or write a review. All proceeds go to help fund our upcoming podcast and other projects.

If you would like to contribute, I encourage you to contact me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.  Weekly Update would not have grown to become what it is today without the help of the contributors who routinely submit articles to be enjoyed by you, the reader.  All contributors will be given the opportunity to promote their current projects, plus a link to their website(s) in the "Our Favorites" section on the left had side of the blog. I also hope to one day pay the contributors who write for Weekly Update if we can get a few advertisers.

Thank you once again for being a fan of Weekly Update and I hope that we can continue to provide top quality content for years to come.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is a long-time fan of alternate history, founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Masquerade Crew. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

Showcase: Story of a Party

Guest post by Sean Korsgaard.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a proper TL showcase my dear readers, hasn’t it? So to make up for lost time, and get into the spirit of the upcoming Presidential election here in the US, up until election day, I will be showcasing Alternative Presidencies!

This has always been a popular topic in alternate history, largely because of the inherent nature of electoral politics, the core of which is different men with different visions for the country and its future. Like so many other things with AH, eventually people wonder – what would happen if the other candidate had one, and their vision had been the one that guided the country rather than that of our victor? Where would we be now? Would that place be better or worse? It really is a fascinating study of what a difference a different leader can make, and I am going to highlight some of my favorite TLs with an alternative President at their heart.

That said, given both I and the Alternate History Weekly Update do not wish to alienate people of differing political beliefs. I want to make it clear that any alternative Presidencies we do cover, we do so not as political commentators, but as alternate historians.

With that said, lets delve right into looking at some of the best timelines where the highest office in the land went to another man. First up: Story of a Party.

As any good history student knows, the Republican Party came to power as a political party riding on both the collapse of the Whig Party and the rising anti-slavery tide in the 1850s, finally cementing itself as the nation’s second political party when Abraham Lincoln won the Presidency in 1860, and led the nation through the American Civil War. The first Republican candidate however, was John C. Fremont, a popular figure back in his day for his exploits in the Mexican-American War, playing a key role in early American settlement of the west, as well as being both an outspoken militarist and abolitionist. He would be the Republican presidential candidate in 1856, losing to Democrat James Buchanan.

But what if he’d won? That is the central premise of Ares96’s timeline, Story of a Party, a reboot of an earlier timeline of the same name. The POD is, as you might expect, the 1856 election, where Fremont campaigns more vigorously, and Buchanan makes a serious faux-pax making a pro-slavery speech in Illinois, allowing Fremont to carry Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania and California, states that he failed to carry in OTL, giving him both the election and the Presidency.
With President Fremont assuming office in 1856, there are a number of early differences from OTL. First, is that unlike Buchanan, he supports William Walker’s Nicaragua expedition, out of interest as an expansionist, and as a Californian who understands that the land could be used for a canal, to say nothing of having a bone to throw to the South. Having campaigned against popular sovereignty, when the Republicans take control of Congress in the 1858 midterms, he supports and passes a bill that reorganized the West into a number of territories, all of which prohibit slavery.

Needless to say, this Territories Reorganization Act causes an uproar in the South, sparking a number of slave states to secede from the Union in 1859, with a number of key differences. Texas stays in the Union, following both Mexican border raids and impassioned arguments from Governor Sam Houston, both of which convince Texans that they are better served within the Union. In an additional difference from OTL, Tennessee remains in the Union, while Missouri leaves the Union. The ten seceding states band together to form the Confederacy of American States, with a capital in Montgomery and led by President John A. Quitman, who died in OTL after contracting a disease at Buchanan’s inauguration, sparking the beginning of TTL’s Civil War.

Almost immediately, you can see Fremont’s leadership differ from Lincoln’s, as he both issues a formal declaration of war and begins recruiting soldiers and forming the Union Army almost immediately, among their number are Robert E. Lee, who upon receiving a promotion to Major General, a field command and promise that he would not be sent to fight against Virginia, is put in command of Union forces in Tennessee, and Samuel Clemens, who helps crew a Union gunboat becoming something of a folk hero in the process. His more forceful presence and military experience will come into play more than once over the course of the war.

Forces clash on all fronts. The Union Army of Tennessee under General Lee fights many battles against Confederate forces under PGT Beauregard for control over Tennessee, and later over the heart of the Confederacy. The Union Army of the Potomac, under General Henry Halleck is quick to capture Fredericksburg and defend it from a number of Confederate assaults. A Union Army of Texas, under General Albert Sidney Johnson, drives into Louisiana, while General Grant is more than happy to reclaim his home state of Missouri for the Union.

The war finally turns in 1861, with Lee and the Army of Tennessee, along with the Army of Ohio under George McClellan finally plunging into the Confederacy, taking Atlanta, Milledgeville and Savanna, a campaign which cut the Confederacy in two and gave President Fremont the political capital to pass his own version of the Emancipation Proclamation. General Sherman, who replaced General Halleck as head of the Army of the Potomac, blitzes through Virginia and the Carolinas. While Generals Grant and Johnson take control of the Mississippi, and with Montgomery surrounded on all sides, the Confederacy surrenders in 1862, after three years of fighting in what would be a total victory for the Union.

War management is not the only difference under President Fremont, whose domestic policy is also very different than that of Lincoln. He proves far more willing to carve up new Unionist states from parts of the former Confederacy, including the state of Vandalia is from western Virginia, the Ozark region of Missouri and Arkansas is made into the state of Osage, and carving West Florida from the Gulf coast, as well as to keep the remainder of the former Confederacy until firm military occupation. He also takes a much more active role in defending the rights of freedman, including a better supported Freedman’s Bureau and the OTL 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are given teeth to enforce them, and a 16th amendment prohibiting secession is also passed. William Seward, who is elected President in 1864, goes about peaceful expansion of the USA, gaining British Columbia, Baja California, Sonora and Alaska by both negotiation and purchase.
Things are not always better in the USA however – Reconstruction has proved far slower going, and the military occupation of the South is hampered by local resistance with a knack for guerrilla warfare – and given the general mindset of TTL Reconstruction is that of punishment rather than reconciliation, Union troops are all too happy to crack down even harder. With the Democrats still largely discredited by the Civil War, opposition to radical Republican rule comes in the form of the Constitutional Union party giving a centrist third party alternative to the Republicans and Democrats, and the Unionists quickly fill a niche in the Upper South. This causes issues given the recent 1868 Presidential Election, which thanks to no party getting the Electoral College majority went to Congress – following a small crisis, a coalition government is formed, with the Presidency going to Unionist candidate Andrew Curtain and the Vice Presidency going to Republican VP candidate Hannibal Hamlin, with hints of further turmoil ahead.
Overseas, the world has not been idle while the US has been engulfed by the Civil War. The Italian reunification wars have ended with an Italy that still lacks Venetia yet still owns Savoy and Nice. British North America, with its pacific and far west sold to the Americans, forms a far more centralized and different union than OTL Canada, called the United Provinces of Laurentia. A crisis over who can claim the Spanish crown has sparked a war between Prussia and Russia on one side and France and Austria on the other, with the tide finally turning toward the former.

In addition to being a vivid look at all the myriad of ways things could have been different throughout the Civil War, and presenting one of the most unique takes on the American Civil War I've seen yet, it provides a fine example of what different leadership in that crucial moment of our nation’s history might have caused. So few works of AH focus on how a President other than Lincoln would have handled both the Civil War and the Reconstruction, and John Fremont allows a fascinating study of one such option. Fremont’s military background and devout support for abolition leads to both a shorter and smoother civil war and more support for equal rights, but in lacking Lincoln’s calm demeanor and mercy, he both crosses many lines that Lincoln shied away from in OTL, and it sparks a much more hostile backlash from the former Confederacy. While the future of this world remains uncertain at this point – the TL is only now moving into the 1870s – given what Ares96 has hinted at, Fremont may not have given us a more perfect union…

That said, even disregarding the political angle, if you want to see a Civil War that sees Union armies under General Lee and General McClellan fighting alongside each other marching through Georgia, a USA that has states including Osage and a So-Cal Colorado, and an interesting rising European balance of power, come give the Story of a Party a read, and see a USA forged by free soil, free men and Fremont!

* * *

Soldier, scholar, writer and web-voyeur, Sean CW Korsgaard has been active in the alternate history community since 2006, and was recently elected to succeed Mitro as President of the Alternate History Online Facebook group. In addition to his contributions at the Alternate History Weekly Update, he writes for several websites, including his own, which can be found here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Releases 10/23/12

New e-books

Country Out of Crisis by Bruce Ricketts

Description from Amazon.

What if the voters of Quebec said "Yes" to separation - and no one cared?

Welcome to 2010.

As Prime Minister Jennifer Clark rallies Canadians to move forward without Quebec, Quebec Premier Robert Benoit struggles to move his new country in a new direction.

Unfortunately for Benoit and Quebecers, twenty plus years of telling themselves that everything will be rosy outside of Canada is being shown as a oft-repeated myth. As Quebec degrades into the reality of independence, American corporate raiders are trying to to pick off one on their main industries and First Nations people from the north are showing that Quebec is, indeed, divisible.

In the Rest of Canada, Quebec separation is seen as a fresh start and Clark is determined to make the best of it.

Country Out of Crisis ends with an unexpected turn of events that might just be a prediction of things to come.

Eyeball to Eyeball (Final Failure) by Douglas Niles

Description from Amazon.

The Cuban Missile Crisis could have meant the end of the world. Instead, rational leaders managed to maintain control of their powerful militaries, and Fortune smiled on a number of potentially disastrous situations. Through patience, diplomacy—and very much good luck—disaster was diverted. But what if something had gone wrong? Eyeball to Eyeball is the first book in a speculative history series that examines this question by making one fictional modification to actual events. The ensuing story presents a world hurtling toward the precipice, with the possibility of annihilation resting in the arms of forces greater than mere human will. Is this, as President John F. Kennedy feared, the “Final Failure”?

Henry Lawson Hero of the Revolution by Robert Denethon

Description from Amazon.

A Socialist Unrealism, Australiana Noir, Speculative Faction novella about an alternative history in which Australia became the first Communist Republic and Henry Lawson is writing propaganda for the State. His problems with the demon drink notwithstanding, and the fact that his relationship with Bertha is on the rocks, Henry Lawson must find out the truth about the Robots. Along the way he has an affair with Hannah Thornburn and flees the authorities. Will he find out the truth and bring about the Revolution that the Robots are waiting for? Is he really a hero? Find out in this ground-breaking piece of bizarre homage to the great Australian poet.

The Skyborne Corsairs: A Steampunk Adventure by Dominic Chandos

Description from Amazon.

For the first time as an e-book, ‘The Skyborne Corsairs’ is a classic Steampunk adventure by an established author of the genre, Dominic Chandos. It is 1865 but in a world where dirigibles rival steamships and a travel writer records his exploits on to wax discs. The ship Anthony Cavendish is travelling on to take up a position in Algeria is halted by a vast hovering aircraft, like nothing seen before. The pirates aboard loot the ship and snatch many women passengers, including Anthony’s wife Henrietta. Banding together with an Italian revolutionary and a Canadian author, Cavendish sets out to scour remote regions of North Africa to locate the air-pirates’ base. For all his bravado, he finds himself facing insurmountable challenges as the trio, and the motley band of fighters they assemble, battle through to destroy the infernal machine and rescue the prisoners. In a base that turns out to be a caricature of the North African setting, does Cavendish have the courage and ingenuity to win through? If he does, what will be the price he has to pay for victory?

The fast-moving novella combines an engaging, but credible, Steampunk setting with both adventure and well-developed characters. Not only will it appeal to those who already enjoy the Steampunk genre but also to those who are seeking a brisk but enthralling story.

The Trial of Douglas Haig: A What If? Story by Alexander Rooksmoor

Description from Amazon.

‘The Butcher’ brought to account in revolutionary Britain

In this alternate history, during the First World War, the Etaples Mutiny spread right through the British Army, its fervour unsuppressed by the American troops called into put it down. Within weeks revolution has run the length of Britain overthrowing the vested interests which had taken the country into such a bloody futile war. One-by-one those responsible for the deaths and mutilation of thousands of young men have been brought to trial. Now it is the turn of the man known as ‘The Butcher’, the man who commanded thousands to their deaths, Douglas Haig.

This novelette from Alexander Rooksmoor, the renowned author of ‘what if?’ history books and fiction, looks at 1920s Britain following a revolution. It explores the challenges presented to those at the top of British society in the face of people power, rather than remaining in place as they did in our world. As to be expected from Alexander, this story is both well founded in the historical detail but raises questions which will intrigue readers and stimulate debate.

To fans, authors and publishers...

Do you want to see your work given a shout out on our New Releases segment? Contact Mitro at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.  We are looking for works of alternate history, counterfactual history, steampunk, historical fantasy, time travel or anything that warps history beyond our understanding.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is a long-time fan of alternate history, founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Masquerade Crew. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekly Update #76

Editor's Note

"Stay on target!"

Good point, Davish Krail. With the 2012 US presidential election coming up, its time to remind alternate historians that contemporary American politics is not alternate history. That being said, stay tuned for election themed AH. You get a taste this week with a new showcase by Korsgaard and then next week you get even more showcases and reviews of political AH.

Hey, follow my writing blog. Why? I will be making an important announcement soon that will effect my writing career and Weekly Update. Stay tuned.

Got our first reader from Afghanistan. Welcome! I hope you and all our readers enjoy today's Weekly Update. It is chocked full of news from television, film and video games. Along with our political teaser on Wednesday, we got two reviews coming up as well.

And now the news...

Alternate History of the Cuban Missile Crisis
To remind us all how we did not perish in nuclear fireballs, the good folks at the JFK Library released a documentary last week portraying a grim alternate history of the Cuban missile crisis called Clouds Over Cuba. Melissa M. Werthmann at The Boston Globe says the film uses real actors to show what could have happened if the "Cuban War" was a reality. She calls it a "grim alternate history" that (spoiler alert) forces the US to carry out an "all-out retaliation that leaves its adversary in ruins."

If you want more info about nuclear war, check out this podcast which discusses the plausibility of a nuclear winter. Thanks to Brian W. Daugherty for informing me about this documentary and podcast. Check out his review of The Mirage by Matt Ruff and his showcase on Protect and Survive, an online timeline about nuclear war in the 1980s. If you like his style, let him know and maybe he will submit news articles for Weekly Update.

Coming Soon: Pressure

Those looking for a fun new steampunk game to play should check out the trailer for the new arcade racer, Pressure:

TopWare Interactive announced it will publish developer Chasing Carrots' Pressure. The game offers a mix of shooting and top-down racing in a steampunk setting. Players take control of a buggy that runs on steam power to speed through the levels of Pressure's cartoonish world. The top-down view gives players full vantage of the race track, enemies, giant bosses, and vile tire-busting traps. A shop and upgrade system allows players to upgrade their buggy in between races.

Here is the story: The sinister Earl of Wellness is attempting to expand his exploitative empire of wellness spas, and must be stopped. The hero awakes to find the usually cool waters lake where he takes his morning bath completely dry and filled with cruel machines. The sinister Earl has drained the lake to be the site of his new Wellness Spa Temple. Thwarting his sinister plans and returning the valuable water to the citizens of the world is the main objective of the game... as well as destroying his countless, caltrop-laying minions.

The download’s due out next month for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

More on Dishonored

Got some more reviews of Dishonored for you to read. Falcata Times said the game was "[d]efinitely a magical experience and for me it’s going to be one of my games of the year" while Marcus Anderson at the Battle Creek Enquirer said it "is an exciting and innovative stealth game." Jason Trikamji at Sabotage Times finishes our trio of reviews with the line "[q]uite simply Dishonored is an amazing game, atmospheric, enjoyable and varied."

Of course not everyone might be pleased with what they discover about themselves while playing Dihonored. Check out 5 Awful Things You Learn About Yourself Playing 'Dishonored' by Robert Brockway at Cracked.

Will I play it? Personally I enjoy games where I got to cause as much destruction as possible. Having to be stealthy all the time is not why I play video games. But who knows? I might give it a shot.

Tai Chi Zero reviews

Early reviews of Tai Chi Zero skewered the kung fu, steampunk film. Genre reviewers, however, have found things to like about this action comedy. Annalee Newitz at io9 said "whether you're a kung fu fiend or a complete amateur, you'll find something to love in this tale of kung fu traditions vs. Western technology." Chris Sawin at said Tai Chi Zero "is never boring though as it constantly keeps you engaged with its over the top humor and spectacular action sequence." Finally Jef (with one F) at the Houston Press said "[i]t's one of the strangest films I've ever seen, but Tai Chi Zero is also without a doubt one of the absolute best."

I tried to get tickets for a showing of the film in Chicago, but sadly that did not work out. I guess I will have to pay for it.

Revolution? Of course, it got a full season remember?

Revolution had a moderate rise in ratings after Episode 5, but the critics aren't reflecting it. TJ Johnson at The Cool Ship called some of the bad decisions of the characters as "senseless". He criticizes the main character Charlie as being too trusting and asks why the fat character is still fat after 15 years without modern technology.

Cracked put it best however with The 10 Dumbest Things on TV So Far This Season by Christina H. Spoiler Alert: 9 out of 10 are about Revolution.

Links to the Multiverse


Roads Not Taken: An alternate history of the 2012 Chicago White Sox by 67WMAQ at South Side Sox.


Alternate viewpoint Friday: Harry Turtledove does WWII and Tarzan's mate speaks by Kel Munger at

Fire on the Mountain: Alternate history with a political flavor at Fantasy Literature.

First Professional Short Fiction Sale (“The Maltese Crux” to Eric Flint’s Grantville Gazette Issue 44) by Alistair Kimble at The Journey of Life and Writing.

My nightmare of a Nazi Britain by CJ Sansom at Guardian.

Review of Alt Hist Issue 4 at SFcrowsnest.


COMIC REVIEW: Atomic Robo and The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific #3 done by Leo Johnson at Geek Syndicate.

Free Graphic Novel: High Society Brings Steampunk With a Philippine Twist by Natania Barron at Wired.

Preview: Before Watchmen: Minutemen #4 at CBR.

Saturday Webcomic: The Not-Quite Historical Adventures of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage by Lauren Davis at io9.


American history unfolds in 'Assassin's Creed 3' by Larry Frum at CNN Tech.

Deepworld Offers Steampunk Crafting MMO On Mac by  Ryan Winslett at Gaming Blend.

For The Casual Gamer: The Tiny Bang Story by Brad at The Droid Guy.

Run’n'Gun Down Communists On Venus In “Venusian Vengeance” at Wraithkal's Indie Gaming Corner.


Doctor Q at Steamed!


Review of Elementary at Alternate History Fiction.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is a long-time fan of alternate history, founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Masquerade Crew. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter (@MattMitrovich).