The Austin Job: Lost DMB Files #18 by David Mark Brown
Description from Amazon.
With the world embroiled in the Great War, power-hungry forces threaten to tear apart the state of Texas in a secret plot to rule the resource that will fuel the future. In The Austin Job, James Starr, bronc rider turned politician, stumbles into a high stakes game of power and lies that he must master before it masters him.
Exploding with double-fisted, cheek-puckering action, including the world's first parkour stunt horse, The Austin Job dares you to cinch your saddle to a bolt of Lone Star lightning and hold on for dear life.
Through this continuation of the Lost DMB Files, dime novelist David Mark Brown (disappeared during the 30's) invites the reader into a world illuminated by human torches and moonlight towers, an underground Austin inhabited by machine and monster alike. Lastly, it's a world where what you don't know can get you killed--or just really, really messed up.
The War That Came Early: The Big Switch by Harry Turtledove
Description from Amazon.
In 1941 Winston Churchill was Hitler’s worst enemy. Then a Nazi secret agent changed everything.
What if Neville Chamberlain, instead of appeasing Hitler, had stood up to him in 1938? Enraged, Hitler reacts by lashing out at the West, promising his soldiers that they will reach Paris by the new year. Instead, three years pass, and with his genocidal apparatus not fully in place, Hitler barely survives a coup, while Jews cling to survival, and England and France wonder whether the war is still worthwhile. The stage is set for World War II to unfold far differently from the history we know—courtesy of Harry Turtledove, wizard of “what if?,” in the continuation of his thrilling series: The War That Came Early.
Through the eyes of characters ranging from a brawling American serving with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain to a woman who has seen Hitler’s evil face-to-face, The Big Switch rolls relentlessly forward into 1941. As the Germans and their Polish allies slam into the gut of the Soviet Union in the west, Japan pummels away in the east. Meanwhile, in the trenches of France, French and Czech forces are outmanned but not outfought by their Nazi enemy. Then the stalemate is shattered. In England Winston Churchill dies suddenly, leaving the gray men wondering who their real enemy is. And as the USSR makes peace with Japan, the empire of the Rising Sun looks westward—its war with America about to begin.
Exiled: Clan of the Claw by Harry Turtledove, S.M. Stirling and others
Description from Amazon.
First entry in a new series with four big all new linked novellas from multiple best-sellers Harry Turtledove, John Ringo & Jody Lynn Nye, S.M. Stirling, and Michael Z. Williamson! After the extinction asteroid DOESN’T strike Earth, the dinosaurs keep evolving – but so do the mammals. We mammals have achieved human-like shapes, but now it’s cold-blooded, magic-using reptiles against the hot-blooded, hot-tempered descendants of cats.
In a heroic, Bronze Age world similar to 300, the Mrem Clan of the Claw and its sister warbands are expanding their rough-and-tumble territory, but now they face the Lishkash, masters of a cold-blooded empire of slave armies and magic. It’s mammalian courage and adaptation against reptile cunning in a clash of steel and will that determine who shall inherit the Earth.
New E-books
Grantville Gazette Volume 39 by Eric Flint and Paula Goodlett

Description from Amazon.
This edition of the Grantville Gazette Volume 39 is derived directly from the on-line edition at
It is different than the editions provided by Baen and webscriptions, has somewhat different content and different formatting.
As always with anything related to 1632, it is provided entirely without DRM of any kind. We hope you enjoy it.
Grantville Gazette Volume 40 by Eric Flint and Paula Goodlett

This edition of the Grantville Gazette Volume 40 is derived directly from the on-line edition at
It is different than the editions provided by Baen and webscriptions, has somewhat different content and different formatting.
As always with anything related to 1632, it is provided entirely without DRM of any kind. We hope you enjoy it.
Jumping Jim and The Jubilee Line (Book Two) : A Science Fiction Parallel World Fantasy by Ian C.P. Irvine
Description from Amazon.
What would happen, if during your normal commute to work, you accidentally stepped from one world into another? If you accidentally ‘Jumped’ into a parallel world where all your day dreams were real, and where your real world was now the daydream?
Where, instead of a Product Manager, you were now a high flying advertising executive, and you were married to the woman that you had fantasised about for ten years?
But what would happen if you realised that dreams are sometimes best left as dreams,...and that the life you had before, was the life you really wanted?
Would you be able to find your way home back to your real wife and your real life?
This is what happens to James Quinn: one day he discovers he has the ability to jump from one reality to another. The only problem is...can he jump back?
This book was written for the commuter, for anyone who sits for hours every day travelling back and forward to work, and wondering...'is this the life I should be living? Have I made the right choices? ' ...and then wished for something else...
The new alternative to The Time Traveler's Wife, this is a must read for everyone, regardless of what city you work in, or in which country you live. People the world over will identify with the story told within these pages. As the story progresses, some will feel guilty, some will cry, some will laugh, ...but all will follow the plight of James Quinn, a man who is not unlike so many of us all.
If you read this book, your commute to work on the train, metro, tube, or underground may never be quite the same again...
Liahona (City of the Saints) by D. J. Butler
Description from Amazon.
1859; war looms over the United States.
Intelligence agents converge on the Kingdom of Deseret in the Rocky Mountains. Sam Clemens, leading the U.S. Army's expedition aboard his amphibious steam-truck the Jim Smiley, has a mission: to ensure that the Kingdom, with its air-ships and rumored phlogiston guns, brain children of the Madman Orson Pratt, enters on the side of the United States and peace.
Can he outrace and outmaneuver his British competitors, anxious to protect their cotton trade? And where are the agents of the treasonous, clandestine Confederate leadership? And why does the Madman seem to be playing his own game?
Liahona is Part the First of City of the Saints, a four-part steampunk gonzo action adventure tale.
To fans, authors and publishers...
Do you want to see your work given a shout out on our New Releases segment? Contact Mitro at ahwupdate at gmail dot com. We are looking for works of alternate history, counterfactual history, steampunk, historical fantasy, time travel or anything that warps history beyond our understanding.
* * *
Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for Alt Hist and a contributor to Just Below the Law. His fiction can be found at Echelon Press, Jake's Monthly and his own writing blog. When not writing he works as an attorney and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.
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