
Friday, February 8, 2013

150,000 Page Views!

Earlier today The Update surpassed 150,000 page views! Wow, just wow. The last time we reached such a milestone was when we surpassed 120,000 page views on 12/7/12.  Thanks to all of our contributors and fans who made this possible. I have decided that after reaching this goal  I will not do this celebratory post again until we reach 200,000 page views.

On a side not, be careful when searching "150,000" on Google at work. Some NSFW pictures come up.

First up, let us look at the top posts of all time (the list on the left is only for the month):

1) Review: "Red Inferno 1945" by Robert Conroy by Sebastian Breit.

2) Preview: Before Watchmen by Sean Korsgaard.

3) How to Write and Publish a Novel in Eight Easy Steps by Chris Nuttall.

4) Showcase: Images of 1984 - Stories from Oceania by Sean Korsgaard.

5) Review: Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation 2 by Chris Nuttall.

6) A first look at NBC's Revolution by Sebastian Breit.

7) January 2013: The Month of No Americans by Matt Mitrovich.

8) Review: Spike's Alternate History by Matt Mitrovich.

9) Civilization II: Eternal War by Matt Mitrovich.

10) Weekly Update #82 by Matt Mitrovich.

Seb upsets fan favorite Sean to take the top spot, but as usual I have the most article on the list (it helps when you are also the editor and most prolific contributor). Alright lets move on to the state of our social networking presence:
  • We had 60 Google followers on 12/7/12, now we have 63 (Goal: 100 by 6/13, 63% complete).
  • We had 185 Facebook fans on 12/7/12, now we have 207 (Goal: 300 by 6/13, 69% complete).
  • We had 74 members in our Facebook group on 12/7/12, now we have 80 (Goal: 150 by 6/13, 53% complete).
  • We had 273 Twitter followers on 12/7/12, now we have 319 (Goal 300 by 6/13, 100% complete)
  • We have 13 Networked Blogs followers on 12/7/12, now we have 14 (Goal: 15 by 6/13, 93% complete).
  • We have 5 Reddit subscribers on 12/7/12, now we have 6 (Goal: 25 by 6/13, 24% complete)
Thank you to our Twitter fans for helping us reach are goal so early. Hopefully we can break our Facebook page and Networked Blogs goal before June as well. Please, if you use either service, follow us and help us reach our goal before our two year anniversary. Also, members of our Facebook group, don't forget you can invite your friends to the group. If you know someone out there who likes alternate history, introduce them to the Update. As for subscribers on Reddit, I promise to share more links to the subreddit. My goal is to post everyday in the afternoon.

I am proud to say the Update averages more than 10k views a month, and we continue to grow.  Those interested in advertising with us should check out our Advertise page for more details. If our readers like one of our advertisements I highly recommend that you click on it and help support Weekly Update.  Please check out our Amazon page as well to purchase a subscription (first 14 day free) for your Kindle (or Kindle app) or write a review (still need to update the page with a new screenshot). All proceeds go to help pay contributors who submit fiction, non-fiction and reviews to The Update.

If you would like to contribute, I encourage you to contact me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.  The Update would not have grown to become what it is today without the help of the contributors who routinely submit articles to be enjoyed by you, the reader.  All contributors will be given the opportunity to promote their current projects, plus a link to their website(s) in the "Our Favorites" section on the left had side of the blog. If you are struggling for ideas, check out our Submissions page for current writing contests.

Thank you once again for being a fan of The Update and I hope that we can continue to provide top quality content for years to come.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a blogger on Amazing Stories and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Were-Traveler. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Sean will climb to the top eventually as he's the funnier and more prolific contributor. And congrats to the 150K! :)


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