
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Breaking News: Korsgaard's Commentary is now on Kindle

You guys know Korsgaard, right?  He is one of our fine contributors and writes most of the showcases on the original online works of alternate history.

Well you probably did not know that he has his own blog, Korsgaard's Commentary, where he provides commentary on a wide arrange of topics.  Well Alternate History Weekly Update would like to congratulate Korsgaard for getting his blog published through Kindle!

For the low price of $0.99, Kindle owners and anyone with a Kindle app can read Korsgaard's Commentary anywhere they go. Now I know you are saying that you can already read his blog on your computer, but lets face it, using a device besides a computer to read a website that is not formatted for smaller screens can be rather difficult.  With Kindle's blog publishing, however, that problem is mitigated at the price of a small pittance that goes to support an excellent writer.

So purchase your subscription now and congrats again to Korsgaard for taking his blog to the next level.

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