
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Future for Alternate History Weekly Update

Let me start by saying I could not be happier with how this blog has grown.  I started Alternate History Weekly Update with the intent to help alternate history fans be better informed about what was going on in the genre. Since my first post in June, I can honestly say that this has been a success.  What began as just an experiment in writing has evolved into a group blog whose fame has grown across the alternate history community.

I am not about to give up yet, but I have to realistically consider the limits of myself and the other contributors of Alternate History Weekly Update.  As much as I wish to ignore it, I have a real life, with a real career and a real family that is counting on me.  It is hard to rationalize spending time on a blog when I could be doing things to further my career.  My contributors also have real lives and, more importantly, are volunteers who are doing me a favor by writing for this blog.  I have no way to reward them, nor encourage new contributors from joining our ranks.

That is why I have begun looking for ways to finance this blog.  I realize that I am unlikely to make a fortune through blogging, especially with a blog dedicated to the subject of alternate history.  All the money I raise will go back into the blog, either through promotion or as financial incentives to contributors.  This project still remains a labor of love for me, not a potential cash cow.

That is why I recently polled you, the readers, about your opinion on ads on this blog.  Generally you were all supportive of ads on this blog, but a significant number of you stated that your support would depend on nature of the ads themselves.  You have spoken, and I have listened.  I believe I have come up with a solution that will please everyone.

First, I am going to allow ads on this site, but I will maintain control on what ads are allowed.  That is why I added a Sponsors page.  Those interested in becoming a personal or corporate sponsor of Alternate History Weekly Update can email me at  Sponsors will receive ad space on the Sponsors page and the main blog space, plus a post announcing their sponsorship along with additional posts when they offer special deals to the fans of the blog.  While I welcome all offers, I reserve the right to pick and choose sponsors.  I promise not to advertise anything that may be offensive to our readers or has nothing to do with alternate history (though I will make exceptions for anything that is relevant to speculative fiction in general).

Second, if you look to your left, you will now see a Donate button.  Using your PayPal account, you can make donations to Alternate History Weekly Update.  This is completely voluntary, no one is required to do it.  While I encourage you to do so, as the money can be used to promote the blog and reward contributors, I will not be disappointed if you choose not to donate nor hound you with demands for donations.  It is also up to you on how much you wish to give.  Whether it is $.01 or $100, I do not care.

Finally, you can now purchase a subscription to Alternate History Weekly Update for your Kindle or Kindle app for only $.99.  While it is free to read the blog using any device with Internet capabilities, I know from experience that it can be difficult to read this blog using a Kinlde, Smart phone or other device.  For only a small fee, Amazon will present the blog in a user friendly format so you can keep track on updates wherever you are.  Considering 5% of our readers use Androids, iPhones, iPads, iPods and Blackberries to read Alternate History Weekly Update, this is a great service for making your reading experience more enjoyable.

Once again, thank you  for all of your support and I hope you will continue to remain fans of Alternate History Weekly Update as we continue to experiment and evolve.


  1. Good to see this moving along, and a nice idea with the Kindle. Though, that one makes me feel like an under privileged European again. What is it with Amazon doing these things just for the Yanks and the Brits? :p

  2. My "depends on the ads" vote was as long as it's not something popping up or covering the page. Everything else is good in my book.


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