
Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekly Update #32

Editor's Note

So what did you guys think of Henry Martin's new Op Ed column?  Please tell us your thoughts in the new poll to right.

Got some good things coming up for you.  War Blogger's got something coming down the pipeline and Korsgaard will be doing a review of Roswell, Texas.  In the meantime, check out his showcase on An Age of Miracles, the Revival of Rhomanion.

Surpassed 15,000 page views last Friday.  It was great accomplishment for Alternate History Weekly Update, however I decided to leave the announcement until this Weekly Update instead of making a new post.  It happen to soon after our 10,000 page view that I decided to wait until every 10,000th page view to make an announcement.  Still I want to thank our fans for sticking it out with this blog and remember that if you do like us then show it by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter (@ahwupdate) or following us with your Google account.

And now the news...

More Reviews on Boneshaker by Cherie Priest

The AH world is still blowing up about Cherie Priest's Hugo Award nominated novel Boneshaker.  Functional Nerds ran two reviews of the novel, one by Paul Weimer and Catherine Russell.  Weimer said of the novel "[i]t’s not hard to see why it was nominated and why Boneshaker is considered one of the seminal works of the subgenre of SF known as Steampunk."  Russell had good things to say as well: "The characters stand out, the setting is fantastic, and the situation dire. What better way to start a horror story?"

I really need to get my hands on this novel.

Update: S. M. Stirling

New updates on S. M. Stirling.  First he announced that he will be at the World Fantasy Convention in 2013, which will be in the UK that year.  Plus, for those fans of his Emberverse series, you can check out the second chapter of Lord of Mountains, which has been posted on Stirling's official website.  Stirling also announced on his Facebook fan page:

The whole Emberverse series (plus the Nantucket books) has been optioned for possible development as a TV miniseries. And no, THE GIVEN SACRIFICE probably won't be the last.
Not exactly anything we have not heard before, but it is good to know that the Nantucket books may be a TV series.  In the meantime, why not stop by Genre Web Shop and get your own We are the Wolves T-Shirt.

Links to the Multiverse


Nazi Fiction by Portable Homeland.

Playing with the Past: Alternate History and Historical Fiction in Science Fiction and Fantasy by Louise Marley at SF Signal.


Interview with Seamus Sweeney, author of "Dublin Can Be Heaven" at Alt Hist Fiction.

Online Alternate History

Into This Abyss: The Eurasian War (1915-1919) by Sarantapechaina at

Protect and Survive: A Timeline by Macragge1 at


Alternate History at Curated Science Fiction

Get your signed paperback edition of Wolf Hunt! by War Blogger at The Burning Ages.

The Literary Horizon: The Man in the High Castle, Conquistador by The Literary Omnivore.

Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, early December at Locus Online (Alt Hist #3 is reviewed).

Review of 11/22/63 by Stephen King done by Gopal Sathe at


Alternate-history Spielberg: Who ALMOST starred in his most famous movies? by Anthony Breznican at Entertainment Weekly.

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