
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Double-Blind What If Writing Contest

We are only a little more than a month away from The Update's 2 year anniversary. Yay!!! To celebrate I am finally announcing the contest many have been bugging me about. Yes, that's right, it is the DOUBLE-BLIND WHAT IF WRITING CONTEST.

Simply put, double-blind what ifs (DBWIs) are alternate histories within an alternate history. You can get a more detailed description over at the Wiki or check out my article on them at Amazing Stories. So what do I want from you? Be creative. Write an essay about how alternate history might develop in a world where the Confederacy won the Civil War. Write a story about two historians debating what ifs in a universe where the Persian Empire conquered ancient Greece. Review an OTL historical fiction novel, but as a reviewer from a completely different timeline altogether. All of those ideas and more are acceptable. Use your imagination!

Here are the rules:
  • Submissions should be between 500 to 7000 words. We are open to accepting submissions over 7000, but they may be split into separate parts if possible.
  • We are accepting submissions for three categories: fiction (original stories written by you), non-fiction (counterfactual essays) and reviews (books, film, television, etc.) based on the theme.
  • Multiple submissions are acceptable, but only one per category.
  • Submission period begins today and posting begins June 5. The submission period ends on June 28th.
  • All submissions must be sent by email with "DBWI Writing Contest" in the subject line.
  • All submissions must meet the theme for the contest but we will not stop accepting articles for the month of June outside the theme, but publication may be postponed for contest submissions.
  • All other rules regarding contributing to The Update remain in effect.
There will be a winner selected from each category based on the name of page views each submission generates. The winner from each category will receive a $10 prize. Yes you read that right. The Update is finally paying for submissions, as promised.

WARNING: Any suspected cheating will immediately disqualify the contributor and there will be no appeals.  You are still encouraged to promote your work through your own blogs, websites and social media.

If you any questions email me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com. Please also feel free to share this announcement across Facebook and Twitter. Good luck everyone.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a blogger on Amazing Stories and a volunteer editor for Alt Hist magazine. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and The Were-Traveler. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

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