
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekly Update #54.2

Editor's Note

Sorry about the link only post yesterday, though hopefully Seb's review of The Division of the Damned made up for the lack of content on my part.  In the meantime, expect some good stuff this week.  This afternoon I will be posting the New Releases of the week, tomorrow I will be posting two articles by Chris Nuttall and Thursday I hope to have that interview with Rhys Davies posted as promised.

The one year anniversary for Weekly Update is fast approaching.  Expect some special programming for the month of June.  Anyone who would like to participate in the upcoming festivities should contact me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.

And now the news...

Update: Sebastian Breit

Speaking of Seb, his Indiegogo campaign for Clash of Eagles is progressing nicely.  He has so far raised $477 of his $1750 goal (27% complete).  Impressive, but he is not done yet.  I have made my contribution, have you?  Think about it, if everyone of our Facebook fans did the $12 perk, not only would Seb reach his goal but all of you would get special edition e-book copies of Wolf Hunt and Clash of Eagles.

If some of you need more convincing, you can read the Prologue to Clash of Eagles and an interview Seb did at  You should also check out his other blog, The War Blog, where he recently posted this interesting scenario about 1991 Iraq vs. 1941 Germany.

Submissions wanted

Jake's Monthly Anthology is looking for submissions for an alternate history themed anthology.  Deadline is June 30th. and submission guidelines can be found here.  Downside is that you do not get paid for this, but it does give you another chance to get your work out there.  If you rather get paid, then you should check out World Weaver Press who is now accepting submissions for their first anthology.  The anthology will be called Specter Spectacular: Ghostly Tales and as the title suggests will focus on ghost stories.  Deadline in July 7th.

I also want to take this time to recommend the following article:  75 Books Every Writer Should Read at

And as always: good luck!

*      *      *

Mitro is founder, editor and contributor of Alternate History Weekly Update. When he is not busy writing about his passion for alternate history, he spends his time working as a licensed attorney in the state of Illinois and dreams of being a published author himself one day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for the unexpected shout-out! :)


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