
Friday, April 3, 2015

600,000 Page Views!

So when I was out of the country, Alternate History Weekly Update surpassed 600,000 total page views. The last time we reached such a milestone was when we surpassed 500,000 page views on 10/31/15, which was half a year ago. This is just amazing guys. You all helped give me one of the best month's of my life. Thank you.

As has become tradition, lets have our usual state of the blog post. First up, the top posts of all time (the list on the left is only for the week):

1) 1814: How Washington Was Saved (Part 1) by William Weber
2) One Way to Divide America: Ethnicity by Matt Mitrovich.
3) Review: "Red Inferno 1945" by Robert Conroy by Sebastian Breit.
4) What If Wednesday: The Roman Empire Never Falls by Matt Mitrovich.
5) Preview: Before Watchmen by Sean Korsgaard.
6) Book Review: A Kill in the Morning by Graeme Shimmin by Matt Mitrovich.
7) 6 Common Mistakes Every American Revolution Alternate History Makes by Matt Mitrovich.
8) Weekly Update #82 by Matt Mitrovich.
9) Alternate History and Superheroes by Ben Ronning.
10) Steampunk & the Revival of Obsolete Science in Before the Chase: A Short Anthology by Dara Fogel.

Next up, lets move on to the changes in our social network followers:
The Update still averages more than 22k views a month and I hope to increase that number in the months to come. Plus I have a new YouTube channel that I am going to be pouring some of my passion into. Those interested in that should check out my trailer. Businesses looking to reach out to an intelligent and engaged community of fans should check out our Advertise page for more details. You can also support The Update by clicking through our Amazon banner at the top right corner when you go to purchase your next alternate history book, comic, game or whatever tickles your fancy.

Of course I can't keep bringing you great alternate history content all by myself. I rely on the talented volunteer contributors and guest bloggers who regularly send me submissions. If you are interested, I encourage you to contact me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com. All contributors will be given the opportunity to promote their current projects. Check out our Submissions page for details.

Thank you once again for being a fan of The Update. I am back to my regular schedule on Monday and I will have a recap on the Sideways in Time Conference.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a blogger on Amazing Stories. Check out his short fiction. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

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