
Monday, August 15, 2016

Map Monday: L'union Fait La Force​ by rvbomally

Since peanut butter met chocolate, never have two good things formed such a perfect union...until now.
This is "L'union Fait La Force"​ by Rvbomally. It is a cover of Ephraim Ben Raphael's Empire of Haiti scenario from "An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government". For those who don't know, it is a series of short scenarios told from the perspective of a traveler interviewing people from different timelines about their form of government. If you are a busy person like me, these short scenarios are a great way to get some quality online alternate history in small, easy to digest pieces.

Although it came originally with a map that focused on the Caribbean Sea and the surrounding regions, this cover by Rvbomally shows us what is going on the rest of the world. It has nice, soft colors and Munroist style annotations, but without the text explosion that Bruce is known for. Its a fun map that adds to Ephraim's original scenario without replacing it entirely, so definitely go check out the description attached to it in the original post.

Honorable mention this week goes out to "Postapo North America" by theSuricateProject.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a blogger for Amazing Stories, a volunteer interviewer for SFFWorld and a Sidewise Awards for Alternate History judge. When not exploring alternate timelines he enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the day when travel between parallel universes becomes a reality. You can follow him on FacebookTwitterTumblr and YouTube. Learn how you can support his alternate history projects on Patreon.

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