
Monday, August 10, 2015

Map Monday: A map where Europe never discovered America by liminalsoup

This Map Monday is unique because it doesn't come from (what the hell is going on here?!?!). It is actually from Reddit and was posted by a user named ScientiaOmniaVincit, but the author is actually called liminalsoup. Its title is very self-explanatory: "A map where Europe never discovered America".
Very similar to Daniel Bensen's "American Nation-States", this map features a world where Europeans never discovered America and thus were able to develop into what appears to be modern nation-states. To be honest the map isn't very plausible, but the comments to the map on Reddit already explain a lot of the issues, including nations appearing in areas where the tribe they are based in aren't local too or featuring tribes/peoples who disappeared long before the arrival of Europeans, like the Olmecs. That being said, its still nice to see alternate histories featuring Native Americans. We need to see more of these and even one with mistakes still deserves some recognition.

Honorable mention this weeks goes to the cartographers working at The Washington Post for creating maps for that publication's coverage of the India/Bangladesh border dispute resolution (so many enclaves!). If you want to submit a map for the next Map Monday, email me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com with your map attached and a brief description in the body of the email.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a blogger on Amazing Stories and a Sidewise Awards for Alternate History judgeWhen not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the day when travel between parallel universes becomes a reality. You can follow him on FacebookTwitter and YouTube.


  1. The map is from this reddit thread posted on ImaginaryMaps.

    It is clearly stated in the title that it is a Rough Draft and is Imaginary.

    1. Just to clarify: I did mention in the article it was from Reddit and I also to the exact post. Additionally, while I didn't mention it was a draft, I think the fact that this is an "alternate history" site that covers fake histories, imaginary is implied.

    2. the tribes align to the vocal history handed down. the confederacies are very close to what they really were. Yall need to really get a clue. it was because of the divided tribes that you english etc, were able to gain a foothold on our lands and steal the rest.

    3. Just to reiterate that this is an alternate history map. Meaning it is a fictional imaging of what North America would look like in 2015 if Europeans had never colonized the continent. Furthermore, I am not the author/creator. A "liminalsoup" of Reddit is the author and he may not see any criticisms of the map here. This is just my commentary on the map from the perspective of an alternate history fan.

  2. One problem with that... Europeans came to America (THE CONTINENT), where is the rest of the map? this only shows the North American part...

    1. You will have to ask the original author: liminalsoup. This is just a commentary of the map I found on Reddit. From the looks of it, the author took down his original map.

  3. this is the really nice information


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