
Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekly Update #184

Editor's Note

As I get closer to Sideways in Time I am going to be blogging less (I can't remember if I have talked about this before and I am too lazy to go back and look), however, I still got a slate of alternate history articles lined up for this week. After that I think I will officially go on a two week break.

You know if I ever do write another scholarly article on alternate history, I would definitely write about all of the alternate history map makers out there on the Internet. Just from the brief conversations I have had with some of them about the amount of work they put into these maps blows my mind. Nevertheless, what do we know about them? Alternate history is such a literary movement that we rarely talk about the visual side of the genre. It would be an interesting subject to write about.

And now the news...

Updates: Tregillis' The Mechanical and O'Flaherty's King of the Cracksmen

The Internet is still talking about Tregillis' The Mechanical and O'Flaherty's King of the Cracksmen. Lets take a look at what the people are saying...

First up, Kristin at My Bookish Ways recommends The Mechanical saying "the worldbuilding is fantastic, and Tregillis manages to build it over time and avoid the exposition that can sometimes accompany something this intricate. He trusts his readers, and that trust is well rewarded. The author combines old-fashioned adventure elements with intelligent, wonderfully plotted SFF, and gives us a hero to root for in Jax. If you only read a couple of books this year, make this one of them." Mogsy at The Bibliosanctum agreed, giving the Mechanical 5 out of 5 stars and said it "is an excellent read, not to be missed by fans of alternate history fiction and steampunk. Even if you’re not into those genres, the mix of so many ideas and other elements from sci-fi and fantasy will surely make this worth checking out. Tregillis never fails to impress, and his writing and stories seem to be getting better with each novel. This book is truly unlike anything I’ve ever read before, and it’s my favorite work of his to date."

I am sure Tregillis was happy to read those reviews and if you would like to learn how you can lease your very own clakker, check out his guest post on SF Signal.

Next up, lets talk about King of the CracksmenArthur Rosenfeld at Huff Post called O'Flaherty's novel "[is] not merely fanciful and clever; it has real substance. Real meat. Any sour notes or gripes? Well, with so much going on, the story has its Byzantine twists. They're part of the fun, though, and worth the effort it sometimes takes to follow them. King of the Cracksmen is a multi-layered treat, and you're going to read it twice." That's not a bad review to receive and if you would like to learn more about the author, go read his interview over at SF Signal.

O, SF Signal. You always have the best alternate history articles despite being a mainstream SF site.

Links to the Multiverse

Books & Short Fiction

Five (Non-Discworld) Works by Terry Pratchett You Should Read at io9.
Harry Turtledove’s Worldwar Series is Among the Best Alternate History at Unapologetic Nerd.
Heff in Dearborn by Michael Fertik – Free Extract at Alt Hist.
Review: The Arrival (The Displaced Detective, Book One) by Stephanie Osborn at The Chrishanger.
Review: The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North at Strange Horizons.
Review: His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik at Rabid Reads.
Review: Joe Steele by Harry Turtledove at SFFWorld.
Review: The Only Thing to Fear by Caroline Tung Richmond at Stacked.
Review: Ultima by Stephen Baxter at It Doesn't Have To Be Right...
TOC: THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF DIESELPUNK Edited by Sean Wallace at SF Signal.

Counterfactuals, History and News

The anthropocene era of man's dominance began in 1610, claim scientists at The Independent.
China Says It Has “Decision-Making Power Over the Reincarnation of the Dalai Lama” at Slate.
Georgia school teaches Civil War in way designed ‘not to offend whites’: parents at Raw Story.
Outpost in Orbit: McDonnell Douglas Phase B Space Station at DSFP's Spaceflight History Blog.
The Selma Confederates: 'I want to protect, defend and preserve my white race' at Boing Boing.
Take the Long Way ‘Round by Michael Cain at Ordinary Times.
US tourists caught carving names into Rome’s Colosseum at The Guardians.
What If Klitschko Special: Back in the USSR, Part 1 at The Boxing Tribune.

Films & Television

12 Monkeys 1.9: Shelley, Keats, and Time Travel at Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress.
GSN Orders New Series ‘Steampunk’d' at Variety.
The Secret History Of Marvel's Movies Before Iron Man: Part 1 at io9.
Watch This Trailer For Back To The Future Documentary Back In Time at Giant Freaking Robot.
Why Agent Carter Is So Much Better Than Agents of SHIELD by Rob Bricken at io9.


Fantasy worlds that break history's back by Katherine Cross at Boing Boing.

Graphic Novels & Comics

Alan Moore Heralds Providence: It’s Time To Go For A Reappraisal Of Lovecraft at Bleeding Cool.
My Favourite Reference In The New League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Comic at Bleeding Cool.


Elizabeth Bear at Reddit.
Mary Robinette Kowal at Functional Nerds.
Bec McMaster at The Qwillery.
Alison Morton at JJMarsh.
Genevieve Valentine at Tor.


Ratchet RetroCast Episode 47 – The Disney Retro-Afternoon at Earth Station One.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update and a blogger on Amazing Stories. Check out his short fiction. When not writing he works as an attorney, enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter.

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