
Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekly Update #67

Editor's Note

I apologize too often in these editorials, so instead of giving another excuse as to why I did not post the articles I promised, I am going to ask a simple question: who the hell found this blog by searching in Google for "german soldiers having sex with allies"? What exactly were you looking for? Don't be bashful, I won't judge.

Okay, onto the (probable) schedule for this week. This afternoon Seb returns with a guest review about elves in World War II. Tuesday, I give you the new releases of last week and the Art of Steampunk. Wednesday and Thursday I have articles discussing upcoming Retro-SF, new trailers for fall shows and thoughts about getting your alternate history published in today's market. I plan to finish it off by publishing my review of The Kronos Interference.

Got our first reader from Armenia, welcome!

And now the news...

Alternate History of Sherlock Holmes

The world's greatest detective is a popular character in alternate history. I'm not talking about Batman, although he pops up from time to time in the multiverse. I'm talking about Sherlock Holmes. Besides making cameo appearances in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Anno Dracula, you can find Holmes popping up in some new publications which pit his brilliant mind against fiction's greatest villains.

First you should check recently released Sherlock Holmes: The Army of Dr. Moreau by Guy Adams. The plot revolves around a vicious murder which might be connected to the bizarre experiments of an exiled mad doctor. Recently given a good review at Fantasy Matters, Guy Adams actually sat down to talk with Fantasy Matters' Mark Schelske where he made an interesting point about Holmes' famous sidekick Watson: "Holmes could not progress without Watson--his friendship with the good doctor is the catalyst for change that he needed. Who knows what he would have become without him? They are two halves of one perfect whole." Good point, Guy. Often the hero eclipses the role the supporting characters play and there are a fair few mysteries Holmes would have failed to decipher without the help of the good doctor.

Want more fictional villains for Holmes and Watson to face off against? How about Count Dracula and Cthulu? Cindy Spencer Pape reviewed Christian Klaver dark, gaslight fantasies The Supernatural Casefiles of Sherlock Holmes. Pape praised both of Klaver's novels and said "[he] is definitely an upcoming author to watch."

If there are any other fictional mash-ups out there where Holmes appears in, please let us know in the comment section.

Update: Tyler Bugg

Friend of the blog Tyler Bugg (see his article on how Canada is portrayed in alternate history) informed me that the cover and date of publication of Substitution Cipher has been revealed.  To be published by Candlemark & Gleam on December 18 (easy date for me to remember, it is my wedding anniversary), the anthology will feature stories of espionage set in alternate worlds and includes Tyler's short story “From Enigma to Paradox”. Tyler was kind enough to secure me a review copy of the anthology, so expect a review likely by the start of 2013, because I plan to take a vacation from the blog in the end of December. I also hope to interview Tyler before the publication of his story, so stay tuned for that as well.

World Fantasy Award Finalists Announced

The finalists for the World Fantasy Award have been announced and there are several works of alternate history and steampunk represented. The best novel category included 11/22/63 by Stephen King and Osama by Lavie Tidhar. "Rose Street Attractors" by Lucius Shepard, featured in Ghosts by Gaslight also got a nomination for the best novella. Jeff and Ann VanderMeer, well-known editors in the steampunk genre, also got several nominations in different categories. Congrats to all of the finalists and we look forward to hearing about the winner at the World Fantasy Convention in Toronto from Nov 1-4.

Links to the Multiverse


Eiffel Tower in London? by Jordan Harbour at Twilight Histories.

The Great ‘What If’. What if Edward Bruce had succeeded in Ireland? by Arthur Russell at English Historical Fiction Writers.

Is It Finally Time to Let the South Secede? by Joshua Holland at AlterNet.

STEAMFUNK MAD SCIENTISTS & MECHANICS: Black Inventors of the Steam Age! at Chronicles of Harriet.


Alternate History Serial “Balance of Powers” Launches by Brandie Minchew at ARGNet.

Book Review - Castro's Bomb by Robert Conroy done by Blaine Pardoe at Notes From The Bunker.

Flying High with Wild Cards by George R.R. Martin at Not A Blog.

Review of Anno Dracula by Kim Newman done by Kari at the Harvard Book Store.

Review: The secrets of The Other Log of Phileas Fogg by CB Droege by TG Daily.


Dishonored steampunk clip is flexible combat

 by Trent Nouveau at TG Daily.

Guns of Icarus Online - Steampunk Takes To The Skies by Adam Rosenberg at G4.


30 Coolest Alternative Book Covers at Short List.

The Art Of The Passive-Aggressive Redesign by Russell Brandom at Buzz Feed.

Mythological beasts, drawn in the style of old biology textbooks by Cyriaque Lamar at io9.


"Iron Sky" Trailer Music That Isn't In The Movie... by Matthew Quinn at The World According to Quinn.


Imperial Trouble Episode 86: Doctor Q.

The SF Signal Podcast (Episode 141): Cherie Priest, Jay Lake, Gail Carriger, Paul Di Fillipo, Phillipa Ballantine and Tee Morris Talk Steampunk.

* * *

Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for Alt Hist and a contributor to Just Below the Law. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and his own writing blog. When not writing he works as an attorney and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.

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