
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Releases 7/28/12

Got a wad of cash?  Here are some more books to spend it on.

New Hardcovers

Coup d'Etat by Harry Turtledove

Description from Amazon.

In 1941, a treaty between England and Germany unravels—and so does a different World War II.

In Harry Turtledove’s mesmerizing alternate history of World War II, the choices of men and fate have changed history. Now it is the winter of 1941. As the Germans, with England and France on their side, slam deep into Russia, Stalin’s terrible machine fights for its life. But the agreements of world leaders do not touch the hearts of soldiers. The war between Germany and Russia is rocked by men with the courage to aim their guns in a new direction.

England is the first to be shaken. Following the suspicious death of Winston Churchill, with his staunch anti-Nazi views, a small cabal begins to imagine the unthinkable in a nation long famous for respecting the rule of law. With civil liberties hanging by a thread, a conspiracy forms against the powers that be. What will this daring plan mean for the European war as a whole?

Meanwhile, in America, a woman who has met Hitler face-to-face urges her countrymen to wake up to his evil. For the time being, the United States is fighting only Japan—and the war is not going as well as Washington would like. Can Roosevelt keep his grip on the country’s imagination?

Coup d’Etat captures how war makes for the strangest of bedfellows. A freethinking Frenchman fights side by side with racist Nazis. A Czech finds himself on the dusty front lines of the Spanish Civil War, gunning for Germany’s Nationalist allies. A German bomber pilot courts a half-Polish, half-Jewish beauty in Bialystock. And the Jews in Germany, though trapped under Hitler’s fist, are as yet protected by his fear of looking bad before the world—and by an outspoken Catholic bishop.

With his spectacular command of character, coincidence, and military and political strategies, Harry Turtledove continues a passionate, unmatched saga of a World War II composed of different enemies, different allies—and hurtling toward a horrific moment. For a diabolical new weapon is about to be unleashed, not by the United States, but by Japan, in a tactic that will shock the world.

New Paperbacks

Imperium by Keith Laumer

Description from Amazon.

Science fiction giant Keith Laumer delivers a fast-paced, wry adventure of time travel and twisted realities in three classic interwoven tales.

American Brion Bayard is abducted on the streets of Stockholm, and thrust into what he believes is a truck. He’s relieved to find his captors very apologetic, and very British–that is, until they began speaking about nations of which Bayard has never heard.

His captors were from Earth, yes.  But not his Earth.

Turns out that there are countess parallel Earths, each different, where history has taken every possible turn –and there are even more uninhabitable worlds, destroyed by the misuse of cross-time travel.

Bayard discovers that the Earth he has now been thrust into, the Earth of the Imperium, is at war with a dangerously aggressive parallel Earth that has taken a wrong turn somewhere in time and whose ruler is. . .a parallel version of Bayard himself! Now Bayard’s mission is clear: to prevent his alternate self from destroying the new plane of reality that he now calls home, the Imperium.

New e-Books

Alternate History - Volume 1 by Richard Murch

Description from Amazon.

What if History was different from what we know? For example, if President Kennedy had SURVIVED the assassination attempt, what kind of President would he have been?

This first volume of the series explores these questions and presents alternate scenarios, events and offers contemplation of what might have been to actual events and people.

In this first volume two historical events are explored.

1. President Kennedy surviving the assassination and afterwards dealing with the war in Vietnam, and Dr. Martin Luther King.

2. The Battle of Britain where England is invaded by the Nazis in 1940, the invasion of Scotland and Ireland, the Royal Family evacuation.

To fans, authors and publishers...

Do you want to see your work given a shout out on our New Releases segment? Contact Mitro at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.  We are looking for works of alternate history, counterfactual history, steampunk, historical fantasy, time travel or anything that warps history beyond our understanding.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for Alt Hist and a contributor to Just Below the Law. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and his own writing blog. When not writing he works as an attorney and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.

1 comment:

  1. Imperium looks good. Hope they release it this side of the pond, or on Kindle.


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