
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Weekly Update Needs a New Banner

[Editor's Note: In case you haven't noticed, we have a new banner (see above). Thanks again to everyone who participated, but this post no longer applies.]
Sometime ago I tried to create interest among my more artistically inclined fans by offering a contest to create a new banner for Alternate History Weekly Update.  I wanted something in the style of what Sean and Seb have at the top of their sites.  The only response I received was a shockingly misspelled email from a reader who said he was going to design me a "flag".  After explaining to him, over several emails, I did not want a flag, he responded that he would make me a banner and proceeded to never contact me again.

Despite that setback, I have yet to give up hope.  Alternate History Weekly Update still needs a new banner for both the blog itself and our social networking pages, especially for our Facebook page and group.  So if you have some skills and would like me to showcase your work on the top of this blog, send in your designs to ahwupdate at gmail dot com.

Some guidelines to remember:

  • You must incorporate the name of the blog "Alternate History Weekly Update" into the design.  Script and look is up to you, but the name of the blog must be clearly visible.
  • Colors are up to you, I am actually considering dropping the blue/white scheme so feel free to go nuts.
  • Nothing offensive or copyrighted.
  • There is no deadline, but the sooner you submit your design the better chance it has of being selected.

As for compensation, I do not have much to offer.  Those who wished to be paid should contact me via email (ahwupdate at gmail dot com) to express their terms.  Anyone wishing to donate their time and creation will get a banner ad to their site on the front page of the blog.

Good luck and hopefully I will not receive another horribly written email.

*          *          *

Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for the Alt Hist magazine and a contributor to Just Below the Law. One of his short stories will be published in the upcoming Echelon Press anthology, Once Upon a Clockwork Tale (2013).  When not writing he works as an attorney in the state of Illinois and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.


  1. I'd really like to help, Matt, but my skills are limited to slapping pre-existing stuff together in GIMP. Is there any particular size you need the banner in (px width and height)?

    -- Seb

  2. On second thought, have you tried posting this on the Deviantart forums? They have subforums for paid and unpaid work like this, Matt.

    1. I just created an account there, but where are the forums?

  3. I'd love to gel out. You can contact me at


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