
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Releases 5/15/2012

Editor's Note

Our own Chris Nuttall has a book shout-out in this week's New Releases.  For only $1 you can check out how one of our guest contributors writes fiction!

New E-books

Brave New World: Revolution by Matt Forbeck

Description from Amazon.

Ask Not What Your Country Could Do For you. Ask What It Could Do To You.

John Cruise — better known as the superpowered delta Patriot — only wanted to serve his country, which has suffered under martial law since the assassination of the First Lady back in 1963. For years, he did so as a member of Delta Prime, the federal paramilitary organization dedicated to keeping deltas and the rest of the population in line. Then, during the Bicentennial Battle, Chicago disappeared in a blinding flash of light, taking the world’s most powerful deltas with it, along with Patriot’s wife.

Today, in 1999, Patriot leads a group of rebel deltas known as the Defiance, all of whom are on the run from Delta Prime. He hopes to find a way to break scores of their imprisoned friends out of New Alcatraz, the only place on the planet strong enough to hold them all. But then, while rescuing college student Lisa Stanski from a pack of Primers, the unthinkable happens.

Patriot gets caught.

Now it’s up to the rest of the Defiance, including Lisa, to figure out how to break Patriot out of New Alcatraz before his old pal Ragnarok, now the leader of Delta Prime, has him executed without trial, under the direct orders of President John F. Kennedy himself.

The Cross-Time Road Trip by Chris Nuttall

Description from Amazon.

Bruno, Kit, Erica and GBW – four college friends who find a mystery device in a junk sale and connect it up to a power supply. When they push the button, they find themselves – and their RV – tossed across the timelines into an alternate world. Struggling to escape, they jump from world to world, looking for a way back home.

But each of the alternate timelines has its own dangers and their mere presence damages the balance of power that dominates each world. With evil doppelgangers, megalomaniacal creatures and mysterious alien space bats, finding a way home might be the easy part...

Drakon by S. M. Stirling

Description from Baen Books.

Gwendolen Ingolfsson, hurled into a parallel Earth filled with billions of unaltered, antique humans when the molehole experiment she was working on malfunctioned, is very clear where her duty lies. As a member of the Draka, genetically engineered to dominate crude, unmodified humans, her task is to build a molehole device in this universe and establish a bridgehead for the Race to come through. It had been some time since the Draka last had such an opportunity for conquest...As for Detective-Lieutenant Henry Carmaggio, he'd seen plenty of blood, both in Cambodia and in twenty years of police work. But he'd never seen anything like this. Something was loose in his city, something inhuman that walked among us, killing with the easy precision of a leopard in a flock of sheep. And unless he could track it down it would kill and kill again - until the whole world was its hunting ground.

New Short Stories

A Fairy Tale from the Clock: The Princess Aslauga by David L. Major

Description from Amazon.

A short story of 5,078 words, in which a medieval princess in the Norwegian royal court has adventures which are more clockpunk or mythpunk than historical; if all history is fiction and myth, then we are at home...

Recommended Past Releases

The Godless Boys by Naomi Wood

Description from Amazon.

If you were forced to live with faith, or without, which would you choose? England. 1986. The Church controls the country, and all members of the Secular Movement have been expelled to the Island. On the Island, religion is outlawed. A gang of boys patrols the community, searching for signs of faith, and punishing any believers. When an English girl arrives intent on finding her mother who disappeared, mysteriously, ten years ago she is swept up in the dangerous games of the gang. But while one boy falls in love with her, the other wants revenge for the wrongs of the past, and, as the violence escalates, the English girl becomes their pawn. The Godless Boys is a book about faith, and life without faith; about love, and its absence. But above all, it's about power, and how dangerous it can be to stand out from the crowd. Both violent and tender, it's a remarkable debut, and clearly marks Naomi Wood as a name to note.

[Editor's Note: For more information check out these articles from the Metro and Guardian.]

To fans, authors and publishers...

Do you want to see your work given a shout out on our New Releases segment? Contact Mitro at  We are looking for works of alternate history, counterfactual history, steampunk, historical fantasy, time travel or anything that warps history beyond our understanding.

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Mitro is founder, editor and contributor of Alternate History Weekly Update. When he is not busy writing about his passion for alternate history, he spends his time working as a licensed attorney in the state of Illinois and dreams of being a published author himself one day.

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