
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekly Update #47.2

Editor's Note

Sorry about that links only post yesterday.  Real life can be pretty demanding, but I hope you all enjoyed Chris' Draka review.  I promise to have more content heavy posts coming up this week, including an Airship Update, some interviews and some advice on self-publishing.

Some good news, just beat our monthly page view record again.  That makes it six months in a row, but I want to break 6000 page views this month and if we continue at the pace we are going, it is extremely likely to happen.  By the way, please, please, please like us on Facebook.  We are just one fan away from 100!

Meanwhile, we got our first reader from Vietnam. Welcome!

And now the news...

The Company of the Dead Reviews

The Company of the Dead by David Kowalski has gotten some press lately since being released in the United States and it has been good.  Sally Hughes at We Love This Book said that the novel is "fast-paced and...delivers an exciting read which raises some fascinating philosophic question."  Meanwhile Marleen at More Than a Reading Journal praised the novel by saying "I have to conclude that this is an original, fascinating and almost impossible to put down book." Then there was the review at Falcata Times which said that the story "delivered everything I wanted, gave me pause for thought and wondered what else David will have in his imagination for future releases. A great debut all in and one that will make one hell of a film."

Those interested in learning more about The Company of the Dead can check out my review of the novel and stay tuned for my interview with David Kowalski, who has graciously consented to be interviewed.

Dissecting Worlds

Those needing a new podcast should check out the guys at Geek Syndicate who have a series called Dissecting Worlds.   The upcoming season of Dissecting Worlds will be alternate history themed. Here is a proposed list of episodes:

  • Plague!: The Years of Rice and Salt and The Grand Flow of History
  • Nazis!: The Age of World War (1914-1949)
  • Romans!: Ancient and Classical Alternates.
  • Americans!: War of Independence and American Civil War
  • Illuminati!: Secret Histories and the Conspiracy Novel
  • Victorians!: Steampunk and the Age of Imperialism
  • Conclusions.
I highly recommend that you subscribe because you will get the chance to hear me be a guest on the episode about Americans.  The episode should appear sometime in July or August.  In the meantime, go follow Dissecting Worlds on Twitter.

Upcoming Films

Last week was full of movie news for alternate historians.  Here are some highlights:

Links to the Multiverse

Online Alternate History

1636: The Kremlin Games – Snippet 15


Unrelenting War in an Alternate History by Dust Warfare at Fantasy Flight Games.

* * *

Mitro is founder, editor and contributor of Alternate History Weekly Update. When he is not busy writing about his passion for alternate history, he spends his time working as a licensed attorney in the state of Illinois and dreams of being a published author himself one day.

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