
Friday, December 23, 2011

A Holiday Message from AH Weekly Update

Merry Christmas...

Happy Hanukkah...

Joyous Kwanzaa...

Happy Holidays...

Happy Festivus...

Cthulhu fhtagn...

Winter is coming...

Etc., etc., etc...

Well guys with the holiday season upon us I want to announce that I am going to be taking a break over the next week.  What does that mean?  Well Weekly Update #34 will be published on 12/27/11 and Weekly Update #35 will be published on 1/3/12.  I do not plan to write anything else from now until 1/3/12, except for any Breaking News stories that may arise.  My contributors are more then welcome to post anything if they wish, but they are under no pressure.  Enjoy the holidays you guys, you deserve it.

In the meantime, why not show your appreciation to Alternate History Weekly Update by giving the gift of social media recognition!  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@ahwupate) or Google.  We also would appreciate anyone who would go and check out our new Amazon page.  Not only can you now read AH Weekly Update from your Kindle or Kindle app, you can also like the page or write a review!

So I will see you all again next year in 2012!

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