
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Breaking News: 5000 Page Views!

Yesterday, Alternate History Weekly Update surpassed 5,000 page views!  This was a great milestone for the blog, especially since this was only started last June.  In response to this accomplishment, and the fact that we just got our first reader from Israel, here is the current world map of our readers:

Our fan base is also growing.  We have 19 Google followers, almost a quarter of the way to our goal of 100 fans by June 19, 2012.  We also have 59 Facebook fans, 19 percent on the way to reaching our goal of 300 fans.  We also have 7 Twitter followers and I am now announcing a goal of 50 Twitter followers by next year.  Help us reach our goal by following us using your social networking account.

Once again, thank you to all of our fans.  We will continue to provide quality content on alternate history as long as you continue to follow us.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome milestone! I just broke 30,000 yesterday on my blog, those kinds of milestones never get old!


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