
Monday, August 22, 2016

Map Monday: Carolina and Friends 1800 by Rebecca Stirling

I love maps when there is an alternate colonization of the east coast of North America. The most recent find of its kind has to be "Carolina and Friends 1800" by Map Monday veteran Rebecca Stirling:
Wow, that is a long map once you put it in blog form. Anywho, this is a map from Rebecca's "The Faraway Kingdom", which I admit I haven't read, but it appears to involve the Stuarts founding a kingdom-in-exile in North America. So I am definitely going to have to check it out because I love Stuart-oriented timelines like that.

The map itself is a well-done balkanized North America. I especially like how Rebecca doesn't use dark blues for the ocean. Its a nice touch that you see again and again in her maps that I don't think I have commented on yet. Plus it has plenty of details without being too busy.

I am little curious about why Pennsylvania is called Georgia in this timeline. I'm pretty sure Georgia in our timeline was named after the Hannoverian King George II, but why would the Stuarts name one of their provinces after those who replaced them? I don't know, maybe its explained in the timeline itself.

Honorable mentions this week go out to "Gauls Shank Rome" by Bruce Munro and the "Sovereign Republic of Nubia" by Aven.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a blogger for Amazing Stories, a volunteer interviewer for SFFWorld and a Sidewise Awards for Alternate History judge. When not exploring alternate timelines he enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana and prepares for the day when travel between parallel universes becomes a reality. You can follow him on FacebookTwitterTumblr and YouTube. Learn how you can support his alternate history projects on Patreon.


  1. I like Stuarts-in-Exile AH too. It's tricky, though. The Commonwealth government in England had the Navy, though, and it was extremely determined to give Royalists no toehold anywhere.

    1. Didn't the Royalists have their own fleet? Maybe enough of those ships could survive to discourage taking any Stuart kingdom in exile.

  2. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, thank you so much! :D

    "I am little curious about why Pennsylvania is called Georgia in this timeline. I'm pretty sure Georgia in our timeline was named after the Hannoverian King George II, but why would the Stuarts name one of their provinces after those who replaced them? I don't know, maybe its explained in the timeline itself."

    In the TL, it was named after George Fox, who was the founder of Quakerism. :P

    1. All the more reason why I need to sit down and read the timeline.

    2. Please do! :) The writing gets better with time, but I'd love to hear what you think!


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