
Friday, July 13, 2012

Preview: Tom Horn vs. The Warlords of Krupp by Jackson Paul

The next book I am reading is Tom Horn vs. The Warlords of Krupp by Jackson Paul (a.k.a. Glen Robinson).  Here is the description from Amazon:

1899. The Wild West is winding down, thanks to people like Tom Horn. Ex-Pinkerton, ex-Indian fighter, ex-gunslinger, Horn has settled down to enjoy the rest of his years in peace on a south Texas horse ranch. That is until New York Governor and fellow ex-Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt shows up in his zeppelin, asking for Horn’s help in getting his 16-year-old niece Eleanor to Vienna. War clouds are brewing, and Eleanor’s uncanny ability to make peace is needed. Can Tom Horn get her to Austria when the Krupp war machine wants her silenced? Tom Horn vs. The Warlords of Krupp features a fresh, western look at steampunk, and includes cameos by Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Mata Hari, even a very young Adolf Hitler. In the spirit of The Wild Wild West and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Tom Horn vs. The Warlords of Krupp will not disappoint.

Want more info?  Check out the book trailer:

So will it be any good?  Well you will just have to wait until next week to find out.  In the meantime here are some sketches for the possible future cover of the novel:

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for Alt Hist and a contributor to Just Below the Law. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and his own writing blog. When not writing he works as an attorney and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.


  1. Thank you for the preview of a book which I would have missed without folloing your blog.
    I like steampunk and the mix of wild west and steampunk sounds intriguing.
    After reading your preview I could not resist and bought immediately a digital copy over at

  2. I am glad to see these previews are encouraging people to check out books they otherwise would not have read. Stay tuned for my review.


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