
Thursday, July 12, 2012

60,000 Page Views!

[Editor's Note: This is old, we already surpassed 80k]
Last night, Alternate History Weekly Update surpassed 60,000 page views. What is more exciting is that we managed to break this barrier only a month after I announced our 50,000th page view.  With the current rate of a page views, I am debating waiting until every 20,000th page view to write a post like this.  Still these posts are good for giving readers an idea on how the blog is doing, so I will continue to report on every 10,000th page view as long as one month passes.

Moving on, I would like to thank the contributors, authors and fans for helping us grow. Check out the updated world map below:

World map of readers 4/26/12

World map of readers 7/12/12
[EDIT 7/17/12: Kazakhstan should be filled in, no idea why it is not.]

Now onto our social networking presence:
  • We had 45 Google followers on 6/11/12, now we have 50 (Goal: 100 by 6/13).
  • We had 127 Facebook fans on  6/11/12, now we have 143 (Goal: 300 by 6/13).
  • We still have 57 members in our Facebook group.  If you are not a member, please join.  If you are a member, invite your friends. (Goal: 150 by 6/13)
  • We had 110 Twitter followers on 6/11/12, now we have 143. (Goal 300 by 6/13)
  • We have 7 Networked Blogs followers.  (Goal: 15 by 6/13)
Finally, the net worth of the blog, according to, is $310 USD.

Considering how fast this blog is growing, advertisers could profit from forming a partnership with Weekly Update.  Those interested should check out our Sponsors page for more details. If our readers like one of our advertisements I highly recommend that you click on it and help support Weekly Update.  Please check out our Amazon page as well to purchase a subscription for your Kindle (or Kindle app) or write a review. All proceeds go to help fund our upcoming podcast and a potential move to Wordpress

If you would like to contribute, I encourage you to contact me at ahwupdate at gmail dot com.  Weekly Update would not have grown to become what it is today without the help of the contributors who routinely submit articles to be enjoyed by you, the reader.  All contributors will be given the opportunity to promote their current projects, plus a link to their website(s) in the "Our Favorites" section on the left had side of the blog.

Thank you once again for being a fan of Weekly Update and I hope that we can continue to provide top quality content for years to come.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for Alt Hist and a contributor to Just Below the Law. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and his own writing blog. When not writing he works as an attorney and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.

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