
Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekly Update #60

Editor's Note

So this is the final week of double posting for me.  It has been an educational experience.  I never realized how easy it is to write when you really set your mind to it.  Plus it has been very rewarding.  We have already broke our monthly page view record and we just passed the 7000 barrier.  At this rate we should surpass 8000 page views by the end of the month.  Thanks!

The Mitro Media Empire has grown with the addition of my new writing blog.  With "A Perfect Hell on Earth" about the be published, I decided it was finally time to create that new blog I mentioned earlier in the month.  This new project serves the dual purpose of keeping my fans updated on my writing and gives me experience using WordPress, in case I decide to transfer Weekly Update to that engine.

Got some great stuff coming this week.  We have New Releases and I preview the newest book I am reading.  Chris Nuttall returns with his rebuttal in "Musing on an Independent Confederacy, Part 3".  There are bunch of reviews and hopefully an interview with Robert G. Pielke, author of A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor, posted this week as well.

And now the news...

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter

Last week Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter premiered to theater audiences.  An action fantasy horror film based on the 2010 mashup novel of the same name, the film was directed and co-produced by Timur Bekmambetov, along with Tim Burton. The novel's author, Seth Grahame-Smith, wrote the adapted screenplay. Though more secret history than alternate history, the film follows Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States (1861–1865), and the double-life he leads as a vampire hunter. Filming began in Louisiana in March 2011 and the film was released in 3D on June 20, 2012 in the United Kingdom and June 22, 2012 in the United States.

Reviews of the film have been mixed.  Charlie Jane Anders at io9 said "Anyone who wants to see quite how wrong and pointless vampire stories can get should definitely rent Abraham Lincoln at some point."  Tough criticism, but Anders' opinion seems to be in the majority among critics.  The film only has a 37% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.  Ouch.

There have, however, been some positive reviews.  Derrick Bang on his blog said "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer (sic) may be pulp nonsense, but it’s a lot of fun nonetheless."  Friend of Weekly Update Sean Korsgaard said the film was "solid and entertaining...for anyone who can say the title without sneering."  Meanwhile, film audience have rated the film higher then critics on Rotten Tomatoes, giving the film a 75%.

So what is my recommendation?  Stay tuned later this week when I write my own detailed review of the film.

Get your Punk on!

Steampunk aficionados have some upcoming events to look forward to.  The Airship at Vapor Station, a steampunk musical, is playing in Nashville, TN until June 30th.  Follow a young woman as she goes on an adventure set in a world where silk is in high demand, children start work at the age of 12 and a group called "The Quorum" makes all the laws.

Go a little farther east and you will find the Macon County Library in Franklin.  They are holding a Steampunk Jewelry & Creations Workshop on June 28th from 5 to 8 pm.

Have fun!

Links to the Multiverse


5 Famous People Who Secretly Had Awesome Second Careers by Evan V. Symon at Cracked.

Niall Ferguson: admirable historian, or imperial mischief maker? by Jeevan Vasagar at The Guardian.

Two hundred years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the boys to play… by Ian C. Racey.

Victorianism Without Victoria: On Mexican Steampunk by Hodson at Racialicious.

Westernpunk by Maeve Alpin at Steamed!


Cherie Priest at Indy Week.

Ian Tregillis at Orbit.


Review of Carpathia by Matt Forbeck done by Billzilla at Flames Rising.

Review of Dies the Fire by S.M. Stirling done by Post Apocalyptic – Books, Movies, Television.

Review of The Houdini Spectre by Daniel Stashower done by Marleen at More Than a Reading Journal.

Review of Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld done by Matt Heckler at Android Dreamer.


Here’s one way televised SF can kick the police procedural habit by Brad Rowe at Cape Breton Post.

Video Games

ARGO Online: Introducing a new arena system at Gamasutra.

*       *       *

Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for Alt Hist and a contributor to Just Below the Law. His fiction can be found at Echelon PressJake's Monthly and his own writing blog. When not writing he works as an attorney and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.

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