
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Art of Steampunk #1

Doctor Quincy E. Quartermain described steampunk as "the most popular word that has been tied to an aesthetic movement whose origins came from literature and books, but has become one that spans every form of art imaginable. It is fabricating your own alternate future of a past that never was but you wish could have been."

So with that in mind I am going to be showcasing this aesthetic movement by sharing with you pictures of some steampunk works of art that caught my eye over the week.  I hope you all enjoy it and maybe even be inspired by it.

Dan Jones give junk a second chance by Amy T. Granite at CityBeat.

Steampunk Tarot by Brigid Ashwood at Geek Mom.

Use your coaster on this Steampunk coffee table! by Erika Erickson at Up North Live.

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Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a volunteer editor for the Alt Hist magazine and a contributor to Just Below the Law. One of his short stories will be published in the upcoming Echelon Press anthology, Once Upon a Clockwork Tale (2013). When not writing he works as an attorney in the state of Illinois and enjoys life with his beautiful wife Alana.

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