
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

DD Date 1983.11.01

November 1, 2011

I cannot believe it, but the presence of law enforcement on regular patrol, and usually within sight of each other, did not prevent mischief last night after dark. It got dark 'earlier' by clocks that were turned back to standard time on Sunday - for those who have running clocks, that is. So far, our battery operated clocks are doing well, but I doubt if we'll be getting any batteries in our stockings this Christmas.

Speaking of the holidays, I guess last night was the beginning of the 'holiday season' even though we have little to look forward to this year. According to what mayor Workman said on Saturday, Duke Power company was hit hard by both the electromagnetic pulse and actual bombs launched at it. I guess the Russians had some conventional warheads they had to get rid of and figured nuclear plants can do enough damage just by being destroyed without wasting expensive nukes on them. We have received refugees from Oconee county, though, that were checked for radiation exposure since there was some leakage when the plant was hit. Nothing serious, apparently, but no one has gone BACK to that area since the bombs fell.

Before it got dark last night we actually had a few trick-or-treaters stop by. Most of them were from the neighborhoods around us, and Nanny had some candy she had stored away that she was able to give them when we sent them next door. The boys wanted to go out, but I talked them into staying home on account of the baby. They love their baby sister! We had a special program on Sunday evening at church where they were told the true meaning of 'Halloween' and what happened with Martin Luther on that day in 1517. There wasn't much candy there either, but Jimmy had a lot of questions about the 'repper nation' which we were able to answer.

I almost stayed home for work when I saw patrol cars leaving their appointed rounds to respond to calls for help due to Halloween mischief. However, when one of the patrol cars pulled up in front of the house 'on schedule,' I was assured that no real dangerous characters were on the loose. Still, I went to work not having slept a wink last evening. Nanny came over to watch the children after Debbie went to work this morning (she works from 9 to 9) so I could get a few hours sleep. She'll be home in a few minutes and I sure hope the kids all stay asleep because I can hardly keep my eyes open now. I'll be asleep before Debbie can unpack her stuff.

Well, I told myself I wouldn't use up the candles, but I had to have a light on or I would fall asleep! There is a car pulling into the driveway and if it's not Debbie we're in trouble. I'd better put this pad down and make sure.

Previous entry: DD Date 1983.10.25
Next entry: DD Date 1983.11.08

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