
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Breaking News: Candlemark and Gleam Want Submissions for Alternate History Anthology

Interested in being a published author?  You may get your chance.

Candlemark and Gleam, a speculative fiction publishing company, announced on October 17 that they are looking for submissions for an anthology of alternate history titled Substitution Cipher.  Authors are invited to submit completed original stories of between 6,000 and 20,000 words, in any genre appropriate to espionage: psychological or action thrillers, war stories, dystopias, and picaresques are equally valid submissions.

All stories must take place on an alternate Earth, and the changed timeline must have some bearing on the plot of the story. Any historical time period and geographical area is acceptable, from the invention of war up to the present day.  Original stories are preferred, but you can ask to reprint already published stories.  They ask for no simultaneous submissions and if you want multiple submissions you must query first.

The last day for submissions is January 15, 2012 and the anticipated publication date is July 2012.  They ask for electronic submissions only of your final, proofread copy. Stories should be sent as an RTF or DOC attachment to kaye.chazan [at] gmail [dot] com, with the subject line: SUBMISSION: Title of StoryYou should also include your contact details, including postal address and email address.

Payment will be a flat $75 and two contributor copies of the print book (the anthology will be published in both print and digital form). There will be a bonus payment when/if the anthology sells 1,000 copies in print.

Good luck my fellow alternate historians.


  1. Way to keep eyes out Matt! They need to be spy based?

  2. Sure sounds like it, which is good because I was working on a short story involving counter-espionage.

  3. Yep, it has to be spy-based AND alternate history...

    Looking forward to seeing what people come up with!


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