

Want to write a guest post for Alternate History Weekly Update?  Want to have your book, website, blog or project promoted on one of the fastest growing alternate history sites on the Internet?


We are looking for non-fiction (reviews, essays, maps, flags, guest interviews, etc.) to host on our site. If you are submitting something to promote a book or story, we will need something more than just a plot summary.

All submissions should be be at least 500 words long, but we will accept longer works, there just isn't a max word count.  Please include any pictures and links you would like me to use. Submissions should also include a couple sentence long signature blurb that should give a short bio about who you are. We are currently not paying for submissions, but we will promote your books, websites, blogs or projects in your post.

Send submissions or questions to ahwupdate at gmail dot com if you are interested.


We are an alternate history blog, but we do cover steampunk, dieselpunk, historical fantasy, counterfactuals, time travel, parallel universes, etc. In short, we want any genre where an appreciation of history is necessary to truly enjoy the story. We are primarily a literary blog, but we do cover films, TV, games, comics, podcasts and other media.

We do NOT cover historical fiction or period pieces. Fictional characters and places are not enough to make something alternate history. We do NOT cover conspiracy theories, secret history, ancient aliens or any kind of trutherism. Just because someone believes that history happened differently from what was officially reported or wants to change our understanding of history does not make it alternate history. We do NOT cover future history. We focus on changing the past, not predicting the future.

When in doubt, remember alternate history is a sub-genre of science fiction. (Of course, these are just guidelines. We are always willing to forego them for something interesting.)

We reserve the right to reject anything that may be offensive or obscene to our readers. Swearing and references to sex and drugs is okay, but anything too graphic will be rejected. Politics and religion is okay (history is full of it) as long as it is presented in a fair and neutral manner. Anything that promotes an ideology or belief as being superior to all others will be rejected. Same thing goes for anything racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.

An Incomplete List of Topics of Unacceptable Topics
  • An article complaining about a recent ban from an alternate history forum/group.